Jyväskylä Art Museum

Art, Science & Sustainability in STEAM Education

The ‘World at Play’ exhibition at the Jyväskylä Art Museum (2023-2024) united art, mathematics, and sustainability through the creativity of South African and Finnish youth, inspiring young learners in STEAM through the MathArt Project.

Finnish Education

Hong Kong Principals Explore Finnish education in Jyväskylä

A delegation of school principals and heads of teacher associations from Hong Kong visited Jyväskylä. The program, organised by Experience Workshop, offered deep insights into the Finnish education system. The visit was designed to inspire educational leadership and promote cross-cultural collaboration.

Exploring Finnish Education with Mr. Potato

Exploring Finnish Education with Mr. Potato

Mr. Potato, an English teacher from Yanji, Jilin, China, recently visited Experience Workshop in Crazy Town, Jyväskylä. Mr. Potato shared his insights in two YouTube videos, focusing on playful learning, STEAM education, Finnish education, and global collaboration in teaching.

Finnish STEAM Education

Finnish STEAM Education and Holistic Well-being: A Workshop for Japanese Educators

On Tuesday 28th of January, Experience Workshop hosted an enriching workshop for 13 educators from Japan. The workshop, held at Crazy Town Jyväskylä, offered a deep dive into Finnish STEAM education, robotics, and holistic well-being in schools.

Guest Lecture in Berlin: The Finnish system of early childhood education and care

Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi, a STEAM Director from Experience Workshop, recently visited Berlin to share his insights on the Finnish system of early childhood education and care. His lecture was hosted by FiPP e.V. and the Gesellschaft für Europabildung.

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