Guest Lecture in Berlin: The Finnish system of early childhood education and care

Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi, a STEAM Director from Experience Workshop, recently visited Berlin to share his insights on the Finnish system of early childhood education and care. His lecture was hosted by FiPP e.V. and the Gesellschaft für Europabildung.

Die Entdeckung der Kita-Welt in Finnland

Zwei spannende Wochen haben die Schüler des Johanna Just Oberstufenzentrums – zukünftige Kita-Erzieher, Betreuer von Unterstützung brauchenden jungen Menschen, Hortarbeiter unter anderem – in Jyväskylä verbracht, um zu sehen, wie ihr Fachgebiet in Finnland aussieht.

Playful Learning mini festival and book show

When? Friday, May 20, 17-19h Where? Jyväskylä University Library, Seminaarinkatu 15 (Lähde, B, upper basement floor) OR online via the live streaming link: 17.00-18.00 Playful Learning open workshops for children and adults. Children and adults of any age are warmly welcome to play together with the authors and publishers of the new book Playful[…]

Playful Learning book presentation webinar

Listen to authors, publishers and experts on the new book Playful Learning In Early Childhood Education in Finland. An educational event for parents, teachers and managers at the educational establishments, and anyone who is interested in children upbringing and education according to the Finnish Education System. Speakers: Dr. Johan Storgård, Doctor of Science, Finland International Education[…]

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