2020. February 26. Wednesday

STEAM events

Experience Workshop organizes creative school days * mathematics & art education programs * multidisciplinary festivals * family days * exhibitions * workshops * seminars and trainings in Finland, Hungary and all over the globe.



The latest edition of LiPACE in SiGHT, a publication highlighting innovative educational practices, features a...

Experience Workshop provided in Beijing, China

This course, organized by Experience Workshop and supervised by dr Kristof Fenyvesi, was held in...

Guest Lecture in Berlin: The Finnish

Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi, a STEAM Director from Experience Workshop, recently visited Berlin to share his...

Making learning fun with STEAM

On Tuesday, December 3rd, dr. Kristof Fenyvesi hosted a STEAM workshop for 33 teachers from...

Chinese Educators Visit Finland to Explore

Early November, Experience Workshop welcomed the principal and two teachers of the Shangdi Experimental Primary...

A Successful Exchange: Chinese Students Experience

Experience Workshop recently had the privilege of hosting a group of 18 eager students, 2...

Teacher Training on Project-Based Learning in

The training program was held 23-28 August 2024 in a school of the Bejing Istitute...

Finland and Hong Kong: A Collaborative

The visit continued the education collaborations between Finland, mainland China and Hong Kong...

Built and Natural Heritage via STEAM

How does an educational activity become instructive and constructive, yet at the same time entertaining...

Eager to learn | Finnish education

Experience Workshop expert at János Garay Primary School in Fót, Hungary...

“Labworms” Student Competition at Sapientia University

This year's "Labworms" Student Competition, organized for the twelfth time, was successfully concluded last week...

STEAM training event for educators in

Experience Workshop's STEAM director, Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi, representing Hong Kong Metropolitan University as a visiting...

Visit exhibition of Jyväskylä Art Museum

Visit the inspiring exhibition of Jyväskylä Art Museum, open until End April 2024...

“The World at Play” Exhibition and

Join us! At the opening event of the exhibition for children and young people, we...

Experience Workshop at the “Talented Berlin”

Journey of Creativity and Inspiration with Leonard Sommer's Classroom Thinktank...

Greeting Luis Caffarelli, the new Abel-prize

On May 25th, 300 school children participated in Experience Workshop's STEAM workshops in the Norwegian...

Transformative Education

We are pleased to share the Official Book Launch event online...

STEM-days at Schildt High School

EW's Kristof Fenyvesi held a 4d frame robotics workshop at Schildt High School's STEM day...

Harppi festival with EW’s robotics- and

As almost every year in the history of the Harppi festival, Experience Workshop opened a...

Experience Workshop’s STEAM program in Bogota

Kristof Fenyvesi led STEAM workshops in the school and participated in the conference panel led...

Bringing STEAM to Adult Education in

On 7 October 2022, nearly thirty adults from various cultural and social backgrounds participated in...

STEAM in adult education workshop

Do you know what it is? It’s intergenerational learning → through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering...

Bridges Conference in Helsinki, 2022

The Bridges Conference's Family Day took place at the National Museum of Finland on the...

Math-Art Expo at Bridges 2022 with

Chair: Kristóf Fenyvesi Time: 4 August, 2022, 1:00 pm–5:30 pm Location: National Museum of Finland Click here and...

Finally! We could join LUMA-days after

Experience Workshop attended the annual LUMA days which took place at the Aalto University in...

Platonic solids from Itsphun at Norssi

At "Norssi" School's science days in Jyväskylä in mid-April we've also visited a second class...

Playful Learning mini festival and book

When? Friday, May 20, 17-19h Where? Jyväskylä University Library, Seminaarinkatu 15 (Lähde, B, upper basement...

STEM-day at the Schildt High School

The Schildt High School in Jyväskylä has organized LUMA days (or STEM days) on the...

Playful Learning book presentation webinar

Listen to authors, publishers and experts on the new book Playful Learning In Early Childhood Education...

First graders build with LUX

The "Norssi" School in Jyväskylä celebrated science days on the 12-13. April. Norssi (or Normaalikoulu)...

STEAM Teaching and Learning in Early

Mikor? 2022.04.29 Hol? Hong Kong Metropolitan University Az előadások között Fenyvesi Kristófé:  Playfulness, wellbeing and...

STEAM Teaching and Learning in Early

When? 29.04.2022 Where? Hong Kong Metropolitan University Among the speeches Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi’s Playfulness, wellbeing...

Arts in STEAM 2022 Conference in

From an education system perspective, a significant role in the development and nurturing of students’...

Mondrian évforduló a New York-i MoMath-ban

Igazi újévi ajándék a New York-i Matematika Múzeumtól, a MoMath-tól! Piet Mondrian születésének 150. évfordulóját...

Mondrian Year at MoMath New York

We got a real New Year’s gift from MoMath: the National Museum of Mathematics in...

HARPPI, Maunula Math Fest 2021

Experience Workshop’s Science-Technology-Engineering-Arts-Maths Creative Hub on 13.11.2021 at the HARPPI festival in Helsinki’s Maunula High...

Mahtavaa Matematiikkaa!

  Tänä vuonna Suomen matematiikkaorganisaatiot järjestävät toista kertaa Mahtavaa Matematiikkaa! tapahtuma ympäri Suomea 4.11.2021.  Experience...

The day of Mathematics in Finland

  Mahtavaa Matematiikkaa! “Fantastic Maths” is the day of Mathematics in Finland. It takes place...

Családi nap az V. Pécsi Tanuló

A pécsi Széchenyi téren mutatkozott be az ÉlményMűhely TehetségTér. A Nemzeti Tehetség Program NTP-ITKK-20-0011 azonosítójú...

Leonard Sommer: Classroom Thinktank – könyvbemutató

Classroom Thinktank – How to Foster Creativity in 21st Century Education   könyvbemutató konferencia Mikor:...

Leonard Sommer: Classroom Thinktank – book

Classroom Thinktank – How to Foster Creativity in 21st Century Education   Official Launch Conference...

Special STEAM Seminars sorozat

  Következő esemény: kedd, szeptember 28, 10:00-12:10 (EEST Helsinki)  Regisztráció: https://tinyurl.com/mas-eventbrite 10.10 Hogul Park: The...

Special STEAM Seminars

  Upcoming event: Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 10:00-12:10 (EEST Helsinki Time)  Eventbrite for registration https://tinyurl.com/mas-eventbrite...

Experience Workshop’s collaboration with the Training

The top achiever of mathematics education in PISA assessments, known as the “Shanghai Maths,” is...

Online STEAM szemináriumsorozat indul február 3-án

Február 3-án kezdődik az ezentúl minden hónapban új vendégekkel megrendezett online STEAM szeminárium. A szeminárium...

Online STEAM seminar series by 4DFrame

Welcome to the first online STEAM Seminar of 2021!  Speakers dr. Farida Nurhasanah from Indonesia...

ÉlményMűhely STEAM Továbbképzés

A természettudományok és a matematika élményszerű tanítása hibrid oktatási környezetben A csíkszeredai Spektrum Oktatási Központ...

Fenyvesi Kristóf a “Falling Walls” finalistája

Fenyvesi Kristóf, az ÉlményMűhely alapítója a Falling Walls finalistája! Ezen a linken tekinthető meg a...

Kristof Fenyvesi is Falling Walls Finalist

Meet the brightest minds on the planet! Experience Workshop‘s founder Kristof Fenyvesi is Falling Walls...

Az ÉlményMűhely Matematikai-Művészeti Gyerek és Ifjúsági

2020 augusztus 3-án az ÉlményMűhely transzdiszciplináris munkacsoportja élő műhely keretében mutatta be a dél afrikai...

Experience Workshop’s Children and Youth MathArt

On the 3rd of August, 2020 Experience Workshop’s transdisciplinary workgroup led a live workshop session...

Playful Development of Mathematical Thinking Skills

The Logifaces Erasmus+ project was introduced at Finland’s most prominent STEM education conference, the annual...

Kreativitás a COVID-19 krízis idején (JYU

  Meghívó a JYU UNESCO-CCE online konferenciára: EMBRACE CREATIVITY AMIDST COVID-19 CRISIS (angol nyelvű)  ...

Embrace Creativity Amidst COVID-19 Crisis (JYU

  Invitation to JYU UNESCO-CCE Online Conference: EMBRACE CREATIVITY AMIDST COVID-19 CRISIS   Date: 21.04.2020...

Robotiikka ja topologia Ulvilassa / Robotics

Vårt Hallå STEAM-team besökte Ulvilan lukio den 20 januari 2020. Vi förverkligade två olika workshops...

ELHALASZTVA! CADGME Digitális eszközök a matematikaoktatásban

Announcement (March 19, 2020) The CADGME 2020 Program Committee  and the Organizing Committee monitored closely...

POSTPONED! CADGME – Digital Tools in

Announcement (March 19, 2020) The CADGME 2020 Program Committee  and the Organizing Committee monitored closely...

STEAM-hódítók a helsinki Heureka Science Center

A finnországi ÉlményMűhely STEAM programjára 2020. február 3–14-én került sor a Helsinki Heureka Science Centerben...

Experience Workshop’s STEAM Invaders program at

Experience Workshop’s STEAM Invaders’ program took place between 3-14 February 2020 at Heureka Science Center...

Az ÉlményMűhely a tallinni ROBOTEX robotika-oktatási

A világ egyik legnagyobb robotikai fesztiválját és versenyét, a ROBOTEX Internationalt 2019. november 29-30-án tartották...

Experience Workshop at the ROBOTEX International

ROBOTEX International, one of the major robotics gatherings and festivals in the world, was organized...

Experience Workshop’s Hungarian logical games at

Kerry Osborne, Experience Workshop’s STEAM trainer presented Hungarian logical games to teachers, who are applying...

Felfedezés – játék – művészet –

A Hatvani Bajza József Gimnáziumban 2019. december 13-án került megrendezésre a FELFEDEZÉS – JÁTÉK –...

Experience Workshop at Helsinki Education Week

Design and thinking: creative mathematics experience workshop! Developing problem-solving abilities through arts and play 7-8...

Experience Workshop at The heart of

A 24-hour festival in Jyväskylä’s theatre building called The heart of Jyväskylä / Jyväsyklän sydän...

Matekfesztivál Helsinkiben a finn ÉlményMűhellyel

A Maunulai iskola “Iránytű” címmel 2019. november 9-én rendezte meg az első matematika és természettudomány...

Maths Festival in Helsinki’s Maunula school

The Maunula School and Helsinki’s mathematics high school has invited students and teachers to their...

Magyar oktatási játékok az ÉlményMűhellyel a

Az ÉlményMűhely magyar oktatási készleteket mutat be Japán legnagyobb tudományos fesztiválján, a Tokiói Science Agorán...

Hungarian STEAM learning toolkits from Experience

Experience Workshop presents innovative Hungarian STEAM learning toolkits in Tokyo, at the Science Agora. Play...

This was Experience Workshop’s STEAM Oasis

This year’s children’s program center within the Helsinki Design Week was at Annantalo, a place...

Oma polku brings the tower of

Here they are, the Oma polku ryhmä / Own path group, just arriving at Annantalo...

ÉlményMűhely Helsinkiben a Design Week-en

A finn ÉlményMűhely Science-Technology-Engineering-Arts-Mathematics – vagyis STEAM – oázissal várja a kis és nagy vándorokat...

Experience Workshop’s STEAM Oasis at Helsinki

Experience Workshop’s Science-Technology-Engineering-Arts-Mathematics OASIS is inviting small and big adventurers and travelers to a stimulating...

Az ÉlményMűhely gigantikus Sierpinski-gúlája a Győrkőcfesztiválon

A Vaskakas Bábszínház szervezésében Győr belvárosa minden év július első hétvégéjén hatalmas játszótérré változik. A...

PUSE – Erasmus+ Poly-Universe in School

On 6-7 June 2019, Experience Workshop’s two-day-Erasmus+ Poly-Universe in School Education multiplication event at the University of...

Outerspace warriors celebrating schools in Finland

Toukofest 2019 – the yearly organized festival for schoolchildren in Jyväskylä’s sports hall Hipposhalli on...

Uptown Night Festival – Yläkaupungin Yö

The Uptown Night Festival or Yläkaupungin Yö marks the beginning of the summer in Jyväskylä...

Poly-Universe in School Education Erasmus+ dissemination

Erasmus+ Poly-Universe in School Education – PUSE methodology dissemination event at Finland’s top STEM-education Meet-up:...

Komplex Alapprogram Konferencia és Gyermeknapváró ÉlményMűhely

A konferencia időpontja: 2019. május 24-25. Eger Részletes program: https://konferencia19.komplexalapprogram.hu/cms/program Részletes információ az előadókról.  ...

ÉlményMűhely – Kreatív iskolanap a Kaposvári Egyetemen

  A Kaposvári Egyetem és az ÉlményMűhely Matematikai Művészeti Mozgalom idén is megrendezi az Élményműhely...

Multiplication event of the “Poly-Universe in

6-7 June 2019, UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ   Educational tools which make the thinking process more...

Warka víztorony építés az ÉlményMűhellyel az

Dr. Fenyvesi Kristóf, az ÉlményMűhely nemzetközi STEAM mozgalom alapítója három különleges STEAM foglalkozást visz az...

Experience Workshop’s Warka Tower for the

Dr. Kristóf Fenyvesi, founder of Experience Workshop International STEAM Movement, brings three unique STEAM activities...

Experience Workshop on tour in the

Experience Workshop Finland will be on stage in March at the Westfield State University, New...

Az ÉlményMűhely GeoGebra Napja a New

2019. március 30., szombat A New York-i Matematikai Múzeumban GeoGebra-napot rendezünk, melyen az ingyenesen használható...

We are in the National Museum

It’s GeoGebra Day at MoMath! Saturday, March 30 Special guest of the event is the...

Building the giant dome of friendship

Valentine’s Day is understood as the day of friendship in Finland. Experience Workshop and Jyvälän...

Egy hét az űrben – a

Az Élményműhely február 4-15 között az űrbe röpíti a látogatókat a finn tudományos élményközpontban, a...

Space Week 2019 at the Finnish

Visit Experience Workshop`s Space Workshop between 4-15 February 2019 at Heureka! Our activities are: Robot...

Game Day at Jyvälä with Experience

Two hundred people enjoyed the Game Day / Pelipäivä on 10.11.2018 in Jyvälä (Jyväskylä, Finland). Experience Workshop’s STEAM community activities filled...

The 4Dframe Warka Tower of Community

Experience Workshop’s new project in Finland, “Sillat” (“Bridges”) was opened on the City of Light...

Ten days of continuous fun and

Between September 6-16 Experience Workshop and its many visitors inhabited the huge lobby space of...

Bridges Linz 2019 Conference Information Event

STEAMing up Austria! Bridges Linz 2019 Information Event @ Ars Electronica Festival Sun Sep 9...

September 6-16, 2018: Experience Workshop is

Experience Workshop participates for the 3rd time at the Helsinki Design Week, the largest design...

Robert Fathauer´s Exhibit in Hungary at

Opening celebration on Monday 9 July 2018, at 18:00 in Saxon Gallery-Budapest. Introducing the Dice...

GROWING FORMS: Natural Born Mathematics –

Az ÉlményMűhely számos tagja bemutatkozik előadással a CADGME 2018 – digitális eszközök a matematika oktatásban konferencián, melyet...

GROWING FORMS: Natural Born Mathematics –

GROWING FORMS: Natural Born Mathematics Fathauer (USA) – Penousal-Martins (Portugal) – Park (Korea) 26-29 June...

ÉlményMűhely rengeteg újdonsággal a Kaposvári Egyetemen!

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