Experience Workshop’s teacher development course took place between December 15-17, 2024, in Beijing, China. More than fifty early childhood education and primary school teachers joined from all subjects and focused on integrating technology into the classroom to enhance learning and engagement. Experience Workshop organized the course and Zoltan Marton and Sandor Kirchhof joined as trainers from Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary. The overseas cooperation and development took place under the supervision of Experience Workshop’s STEAM Director, Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi.

Day 1: Digital Education
The first day explored the importance of STEAM education and digital tools in modern classrooms. Participants learned about the SOBER App, a tool designed to support inclusive education. Hands-on activities and group discussions helped teachers understand how to effectively use technology in their classrooms.

Day 2: Gamification
Day two delved into the theory of gamification and how game principles can make learning more fun and engaging. Participants learned about using Minecraft in education and explored practical tools for applying gamified approaches in the classroom.

Day 3: Dawn of AI
The final day focused on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. Participants learned about ethical AI use and explored tools that can support teaching and learning. Hands-on activities and a gamified assessment helped teachers understand how to harness AI to develop classroom efficiency and personalization.

The “Empower Education with Technology” workshop highlighted the potential of technology to transform teaching and learning. Participants learned that technology can be a powerful tool for engaging students and making learning more interactive. However, teachers need to have the knowledge and skills to use technology effectively. The workshop also emphasized the potential of gamification and AI to create more personalized and engaging learning experiences.
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