Welcome to the multiplier event of the STEAM Connect Erasmus+ project at the University of Jyväskylä!
Title: Geodesic Dome Building
by dr. Kristof Fenyvesi
When? 27.09.2024., 19.00
Where: Jyväskylä University, both inside and behind the Agora Building
Address: Mattilanniemi 2. 40100 Jyväskylä
Geodesic Dome Building
Join us in constructing a giant geodesic dome, a hands-on activity that showcases the geometric wonders of engineering and art. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with fellow educators, explore new ideas, and celebrate the power of STEAM education. This hands-on activity will have you connecting pieces to form a robust structure, showcasing the geometric wonders of engineering and art.

The STEAM-Connect project focuses on new innovative methods for STEAM education and through this initiates the acquisitions of new skills and competencies important for those traditionally used to silo and single-subject learning. We aim to develop and trial, closely working together with the participant teachers, innovative STEAM resources and pedagogies for school education making student learning more inspiring and meaningful. To do this, STEAM-Connect inspires to utilise a range of open and innovative practices through mostly open-source or affordable digital tools such as GeoGebra, Sonic Pi, Raspberry Pi, as well as new technologies such as 3D printing, Augmented and Virtual Realities, and robotics etc.
Erasmus+ KA220-SCH-C8F150FC
Coordinator: Experience Workshop Oy, Finland, www.experienceworkshop.org
Partner organizations:
UNIVERSITAT LINZ, Austria, www.jku.at
UNIVERZITA KOMENSKEHO V BRATISLAVE, Slovakia, http://www.uniba.sk