Poly-Universe in School Education (PUSE) Erasmus+ project (2017-2019)

The Poly-Universe tool offers a new perspective for preschool, primary and secondary school mathematics and art education by promoting:

  • learning by doing
  • playful education
  • problem-solving through the combination of mathematics and arts.

The inventor of the unique geometrical system is Hungarian visual artist János Saxon-Szász.







You can download for free:

  1. the Poly-Universe teaching material – including the methodology and 150 exercises for the ages 6-18: http://poly-universe.com/puse-treasury/ (please register on the webpage first)
  2. 150 exercises for student use, ages 6-18: http://www.poly-universe.com/puse-treasury/tasks-and-templates/ (no registration required)

You can purchase the Poly-Universe toolkit from here: https://learningbydoing.fi/en/product/poly-universe-toy-family-set/


PUSE Erasmus+ Coordinator:
Poly-Universe Ltd


Budapest Fazekas Mihály Practicing Primary School and Grammar School 
Experience Workshop ay (Finland)
Nafarroako Ikastolen Elkartea (Spain)
NetCoGame GamefulLiving Research Center Nonprofit Ltd (Hungary)
Základná skola Gergelya Czuczora s vyucovacím jazykom madarským (Slovakia)









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Poly-Universe in School Education (PUSE) Erasmus+ project (2017-2019)

The Poly-Universe tool offers a new perspective for preschool, primary and secondary school mathematics and art education by promoting: learning by...

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Combinatorics class with Poly-Universe from Jyväskylä

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Combinatorics class with Poly-Universe from Jyväskylä

The Erasmus+ Poly-Universe project continues this autumn! Math and art teachers from Viitaniemi school, Jyväskylä joined forces and invented an...

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Experience Workshop coordinates in Finland the Poly-Universe in School Education international Erasmus+ project

The goal of the Poly-Universe in School Education (PUSE) international Erasmus+ project is the development of a new methodology in  visual mathematics...

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