Symmetry: Culture and Science. Poly-Universe in School Education
Editor: György Darvas
Volume 31, Number 1, 1-112, 2020
The new issue of the Symmetrion journal is devoted to experiences with the use of the STEAM toolkit Poly-Universe in and out of the classroom. The issue relies on the outcomes of the Poly-Universe in School Education Erasmus+ (PUSE) project (2017-2019).
Abstract of the article Multidisciplinary symmetry education with Poly-Universe toolkit with Poly-Universe toolkit in schools and informal learning context in Finland by Experience Workshop’s research team in Finland:
Between 2017 and 2019, Experience Workshop Global STEAM Network coordinated the Poly-Universe in School Education (PUSE) Erasmus+ project in Finland. In this article, we describe an example of a symmetry education school project, which was carried out in a Finnish lower secondary school with Poly-Universe Toolkit. In addition, the article provides a brief summary of the applicability of Poly-Universe Toolkit in a Finnish elementary, lower and upper secondary school context, based on the experiences we have gained in the PUSE project. Finally, we introduce Poly-Universe Toolkit in informal educational activities provided for adults in Finland.
The issue is available as a free download from here: and the print version can be ordered from the journal’s website:
Read more about PUSE:
Download the methodology book and the exercises (free):
You can purchase the toolkit from out webshop:
PUSE methodology – Poly-Universe in school education, Zsuzsa Dárdai
Discovering information visualization through Poly-Universe, Miklós Hoffmann
Multidisciplinary symmetry education with Poly-Universe toolkit in schools and informal learning context in Finland, Kristóf Fenyvesi, Kerry Osborne, Matias Kaukolinna, Merja Sinnemäki, Leena Kuorikosi, Nóra Somlyódy
Poly-Universe (PU) beyond Poly-Universe in school education (PUSE), Jesus Maria Goñi
Operation and symmetry of the Poly-Universe circle, János Szász SAXON
Friezes, rosettes and Poly-Universe, Eleonóra Stettner
Search for a computer aided solution of the 7×7 square Poly-Universe: An algorithmic approach, András Triznya, Vilmos Katona
How can quadrilaterals be constructed from Poly-Universe triangles? Ildikó Mojzesová, Gábriel Dráfi
Area calculation of the Poly-Universe triangle, Szilveszter Kocsis
Bisymmetric matrices and symmetrologic researches in genetic biomechanics, Sergey V. Petoukhov, Vladimir V. Verevkin