Finally the methodology and exercise book of the Poly-Universe tool begins to take shape. The smell and touch of piles of freshly printed paper is quite promising!
The last transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ PUSE (Poly-Universe in School Education) project took place in Nové Zámky, Slovakia. Hosts were the teachers of the Gergely Czuczor Primary School, the Hungarian minority school of the town. Thanks to the hosts, participants got acquainted with Nové Zámky’s mayor, and also had a chance to visit the permanent exhibition of avantgarde artist Lajos Kassák’s works, who was born in this town.
János Saxon-Szász, inventor of the Poly-Universe set with works honoring Lajos Kassák in the background:
Students of the Gergely Czuczor school were eager to use the Poly-Universe sets. The tool this time aided them through the understanding of broken numbers, while others were designing smartphone covers using Poly-Universe’s visual elements.
Partners of the Erasmus+ PUSE project presented their summaries of the last project phase, during which they tested the Poly-Universe methodology with teachers and students who were not yet acquainted with the sets.
However, there is still a long way to go until all the Hungarian and English texts are corrected, images edited, graphic work finished – and printing machines launched. Which means:
From June 2019 the publication will be available both in printed and downloadable versions in English and Hungarian. Check out the or our page for order information and downloads.
What will the book contain? More than 100 exercises in geometry, combinatorics, logics, graphs and intersecting areas of possible school uses for the ages 6-14. And an introduction highlighting the STEAM background of the Poly-Universe methodology.
At the meeting the Finnish team was represented by Leena Kuorikoski (Viitaniemi School, Jyväskylä), Merja Sinnemäki (Viitaniemi School, Jyväskylä) and Nóra Somlyódy (Experience Workshop ay).
Project Coordinator:
Polyuniverse Ltd., Hungary
Experience Workshop ay, Finland
Fazekas Mihály Practicing Primary School and Grammar School, Hungary
Nafarroako Ikastolen Elkartea, Spain
NetCoGame Gameful Living Research Center, Hungary
Základná skola Gergelya, Slovakia
Erasmus+ Project ref. 2017-1-HU01-KA201-035938
If you want to know more about the Poly-Universe project, click here:
If you would like to order the Poly-Universe tool, check it out here: