PUSE – Erasmus+ Poly-Universe in School Education multiplication event

On 6-7 June 2019, Experience Workshop’s two-day-Erasmus+ Poly-Universe in School Education multiplication event at the University of Jyväskylä marked the endpoint of two years of research and educational development of the Hungarian Poly-Universe tool in mathematics education. The project closed with the publication of a gigantic 530 page long book in two languages (English and Hungarian).

The book is also available on the link http://poly-universe.com/puse-treasury/

You can either download the entire publication or just pick one or the other exercise according to your purpose. It is also possible to upload your own Poly-Universe tasks and share them with others!

The closing event invited teachers and students to closer examine the PUSE project, its results, and gave inspiring practical exercises as a take away to new schools and classrooms.

The program of the closing event included:

Multidisciplinary Mathematics Learning with the Poly-Universe Visual Experience Toolkit workshop
with Merja Sinnemäki, Leena Kuorikoski, Nóra Somlyódy and Kristóf Fenyvesi

The Finnish and international participants of the workshop got acquainted with the art of Poly-Universe inventor János Saxon-Szász and the origins of the Poly-Universe toolkit. The introduction by Nóra Somlyódy summed up the results of the two-year exploration into the use of the Poly-Universe toolkit in mathematics teaching and the vast and versatile possibilities of its use as a multidisciplinary aid of the Finnish core curriculum, which encourages multidisciplinarity in teaching and learning.

The workshop held by mathematics teacher Merja Sinnemäki and arts teacher Leena Kuorikoski of the Viitaniemi School in Jyväskylä was an inspiring example of cooperation between teachers of different subjects, facilitated by the Poly-Universe toolkit. The workshop led participants through a range of practical examples of how to use Poly-Universe in math and/or arts class, beginning with free play, continuing to geometry and measurement, geometry and drawing, until composition and building.  

Free exercise with the Poly-Universe toolkit

Geometry and measurement

Geometry and drawing


Composition and building


For two days, Experience Workshop offered an open space for learning the uses of Poly-Universe at the University of Jyväskylä.

POLY-UNIVERSE METHODOLOGY ACADEMY for STEM TEACHERS with Nóra Somlyódy and Matias Kaukolinna


All events took place in scientific collaboration with the largest STEM-teacher meet-up of Finland, the LUMA Days Jyväskylä, providing the opportunity to gain the widest possible visibility for our international Erasmus+ efforts. Professor Zsolt Lavicza’s (Johannes Kepler University-Linz) scientific lecture put Experience Workshop’s Poly-Universe activities – introduced at the multiplication event – into a broad, global scientific and educational context of STEAM education. 


Press review of the LUMA Days in the Finnish journal Dimensio Lehti (in Finnish): https://dimensiolehti.fi/luma-paivat-jyvaskylassa-2019-vapauta-luovuutesi/



Project Coordinator:
Polyuniverse Ltd., Hungary

Experience Workshop ay, Finland
Fazekas Mihály Practicing Primary School and Grammar School, Hungary
Nafarroako Ikastolen Elkartea, Spain
NetCoGame Gameful Living Research Center, Hungary
Základná skola Gergelya, Slovakia

Erasmus+ Project ref. 2017-1-HU01-KA201-035938




If you want to know more about the Poly-Universe project, click here: http://poly-universe.com/ 

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