Story of Tamara Traiser: A foreign language

I work as a German teacher, in a Finnish-speaking preschool group in Finland. When I first started working in that group, everything was new. A new education system, a new team, but most of all, the language was new. A language that I couldn’t derive from anything I knew or understood at the beginning.

Meet Tamara Traiser: An intern from Germany in Early Childhood Education in Jyväskylä

At Experience Workshop, we are proud to support international collaboration and cultural exchange through programs like Erasmus+. This year, we have the pleasure of welcoming Tamara Traiser, an enthusiastic and dedicated intern from Germany, who joined us in Jyväskylä, Finland, for a unique opportunity in early childhood education.

Showcasing STEAM education resources and pedagogies – STEAM Connect Multiplier Event

STEAM Connect breaks down the barriers between traditional subjects, inspiring creativity and critical thinking. Our innovative curricula, developed by educators themselves, equip teachers with the tools to make STEAM learning engaging and accessible for all.

Poly-Universe in Preschool and Lower Primary School Education (EARLY-POLY) Erasmus+ (2024 – 2026)

The EARLY-POLY project aims to integrate Poly-Universe tool into preschool and lower primary education as an innovative STEAM approach, enhancing children’s creativity, problem-solving, and spatial reasoning skills. The project will be implemented by a consortium of 5 partners: 2 universities, an arts centre and two STEAM education providers. The project will foster a collaborative learning environment and practice, putting emphasis on inclusiveness and the involvement of girls in STEAM fields.

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