Poly-Universe in Teacher Education (PUNTE) Erasmus+ (2020-2023)

The aim of the project Poly-UNiverse in Teacher Training Education (PUNTE) is to develop, test and disseminate innovative and trans-disciplinary pedagogical methods in teacher training in the fields of STEAM and beyond. Based on the Poly-Universe tool we build a new educational framework to improve future teachers’ disciplinary and transversal skills and stimulate kind of a visual paradigm shift in teacher training.

The consortium includes 8 members from 7 European countries and an associated partner from the United States. 

Go to the PUNTE project website (www.punte.eu) for further information.

Read the Experience Workshop news about project results here:

 PUNTE Methodological Handbook

 Courses in Teacher Education

 Integrated Design Course and Task Repository


Partner organizations:

Universitatea Crestina Partium, Romania
Univerzita J. Selyeho, Slovakia
Experience Workshop ay, Finland

The project (2020-1-HU01-KA203-078810) is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Maximum grant amount: 264 485 EUR. Project period: 1 September 2020 – 31 August 2023.

This project relies on the results of the Poly-Universe in School Education (PUSE) Erasmus+.

Click here to learn more about the toolkit and where to buy it.

Erasmus plus PUNTE project

In August 2023, we had our last transnational meeting in our Erasmus+ PUNTE project. The meeting was hosted by Eger...

Poly-Universe in Higher Education: The Integrated Product Design Course 

Integrated Product Design Course realised at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in collaboration with Experience Workshop, Poly-Universe Ltd, and...

Poly-Universe in Teacher Education Multiplier Event

The event was held at the Library of the University of Jyväskylä to a gathering of about 30 highly interested...

Creative reinterpretation of science with Erasmus+ PUNTE partners

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PUNTE – Poly-Universe in teacher education

The repository includes many fields and important learning skills, among others inclusion, interdisciplinary, communication, sciences, logic games and language skills...

Poly-Universe in Teacher Education Erasmus plus

Welcome to the multiplier event of the Poly-Universe in Teacher Education Erasmus+ project!...

Erasmus+ PUNTE meeting in Subotica

End of August, as a startup of our last PUNTE project-year (Poly-Universe in Teacher Education), we spent a couple of...

STEAM and social inclusion – new publication about Experience Workshop

World Scientific Series on Science Communication: Volume 3 Handbook of Mathematical Science Communication Edited by: Anna Maria Hartkopf (Freie Universität Berlin...

Short, intensive, efficient and fun – PUNTE courses in Komarno

As for our Erasmus+ PUNTE project, we took an important step forward in May. We organized five pilot courses in...

Poly-Universe in Teacher Training Education Methodological Study

Handbook for pre-service and in-service teachers and students The PUNTE Methodological Handbook presents the possibilities of introducing and applying the...

PUNTE transnational meeting in Jyväskylä

Despite COVID-challenges, several of our Erasmus+ partners from the project Poly-Universe in Teacher Education (PUNTE) (2020-2023) were able to participate...

HARPPI, Maunula Math Fest 2021

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Polyuniverse Curriculum and Toolkit for Mathematical Thinking Development

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Experience Workshop coordinates Poly-Universe in Teacher Education Erasmus+ in Finland

We are happy to announce that there is new funding to continue the explorations with the Poly-Universe toolkit, one year...

Poly-Universe in Teacher Education (PUNTE) Erasmus+ (2020-2023)

The aim of the project Poly-UNiverse in Teacher Training Education (PUNTE) is to develop, test and disseminate innovative and trans-disciplinary...

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