Three years of work about how to connect mathematics and motion was presented and celebrated on June 19, 2019. The multiplier event of the Erasmus+ Maths in Motion took place as an official workshop of the Bridges Conference 2019 Family Day in Linz.
You can download the paper from here:
The event presented two of the many exercises resulting from the cooperation of seven partners.
1. “Dancing Snowflakes”
is a participatory and experience-oriented activity about rotational symmetries, geometry and creative movement. In addition to learning about symmetries, the activity reinforces cooperation, problem solving skills, coordination of movement, and creativity. In the activity, participants get to experience geometry and symmetry as parts of a larger symmetric figure and to create their own movement-based performance piece: a short dance that explores rotational symmetries. The activity is 30 minutes long.
2. “Get Angled”
is a participatory and experience-oriented activity about angles, their measurement and problem solving. The activity’s emphasis is on finding out under which conditions of three angles’ measurements can a triangle be formed. In the activity, participants get to experience creative movements in groups of two and three and to come up with solutions for tasks using their innate body knowledge. The workshop is 30 minutes long.
Discussion round after the workshop:
Karl Schaffer – who runs the dance company named after him and his colleague Erik Stern – takes a look into the Maths in Motion toolkit he received as a gift (on the left).
The Maths in Motion team with the participants of the workshop:
Participating from Experience Workshop’s project team at Bridges Conference: Saara Lehto, mathematician (LUMA Center Helsinki), Kerry Osborne, teacher (Helsinki English School), Kristóf Fenyvesi, education researcher (University of Jyväskylä) Nóra Somlyódy, Experience Workshop’s project coordinator.
Project information, including idea and materials:
Maths in Motion toolkit for download:
Open Facebook group:
Our international partners are:
SciSco, FUN Mathematics, Balletskolen Holestbro, Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 20 Galati, IC Codogno, and Olde Vechte.