Poly-Universe in Preschool and Lower Primary School Education (EARLY-POLY) Erasmus+ (2024 – 2026)

The EARLY-POLY project aims to integrate Poly-Universe tool into preschool and lower primary education as an innovative STEAM approach, enhancing children’s creativity, problem-solving, and spatial reasoning skills. The project will be implemented by a consortium of 5 partners: 2 universities, an arts centre and two STEAM education providers. The project will foster a collaborative learning environment and practice, putting emphasis on inclusiveness and the involvement of girls in STEAM fields.

Logifaces workshop for future math teachers

In the frameworks of the Erasmus+ project “Analogue game for digital minds – Logifaces methodology”, students of the Johannes Kepler University Linz had the opportunity to participate in a workshop where they could get acquainted with Logifaces methodology for the first time.


Are you a STEM teacher interested in Arts? Or an Art teacher inspired by any field of STEM? Apply to the STEAM-connect project! Let’s build up an on-line STEAM community together! We are looking for school teachers who are interested in connecting learning communities (including special need students and their teachers), in developing state-of-the-art STEAM[…]

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