“The focus on student-centered learning and well-being is truly inspiring.”

During the last week of November, a group of 14 students and 4 teachers from Tamási High School in Hungary visited Finland on an Erasmus+ adventure to Muurame High School, facilitated by Experience Workshop. This exchange program offered a unique opportunity for both students and teachers to explore Finnish culture, education, and lifestyle.



School Week

Hungarian students were welcomed by their Finnish peers and integrated into daily school life. They participated in a variety of subjects, from science and math to arts and physical education. One of the highlights was exploring the concept of entrepreneurship and sustainability, which is a core value at Muurame High School.


To help Hungarian students navigate their way around the school, they were paired with personal student guides. These guides introduced them to the school’s mission and values, and shared insights into Finnish education. In return, Hungarian students presented their own school to their Finnish counterparts.

In addition, a friendly volleyball match between the two schools added to the good atmosphere. Teachers from both schools had the chance to connect during breaks, sharing experiences and best practices.

Cultural Program

The cultural program organized by Experience Workshop added an extra dimension to the exchange. The group enjoyed a city tour of Jyväskylä, discovering its history and famous sightseeing spots. They also experienced the traditional Finnish sauna with jacuzzi.


To wrap up the week, a farewell meeting and quiz were held to test the Hungarian students’ knowledge of Finland and Jyväskylä. It was a fun way to reflect on the experiences and knowledge gained during the exchange.


Feedback by students


“The sauna experience was a highlight of my trip. It was a unique and relaxing cultural experience.”

“I was impressed by the Finnish school system. The longer lessons and flexible approach to learning created a more engaging and productive environment.”

“The French class was a lot of fun! I actually learned some new words and phrases.”

“I gained a new appreciation for the Finnish educational system. The focus on student-centered learning and well-being is truly inspiring.”

“I learned that a great teacher can make a huge difference in the learning experience.”


Feedback by teachers

“I gained valuable experience in using e-books, which I can apply in my own classroom.”

“I was impressed by the school’s commitment to sustainability and learned practical ways to incorporate it into my teaching.”

“The school’s focus on project-based learning and teamwork is inspiring, and I plan to implement similar strategies in my own classroom.”

“The credit system is a unique approach to education that can help motivate students.”

“I gained a deeper understanding of Finnish culture and education, which has broadened my perspective as a teacher.”


Photo credits: Nóra Somlyódy, Tereza Pruknerová, teachers and students of Tamási High School School


The student group mobility, the teacher trainings and the job shadowing mobilities were realized in the frameworks of the Erasmus+ KA121 programme.




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