Kristóf Fenyvesi at ZPC Podcast by AIMS Center, USA

The “Zone for Potential Construction” (ZPC) is a podcast, hosted by Dr. Chris Brownell at AIMS Center for Math and Science Education, USA.  ZPC is focused on learning and teaching of mathematics & science. The guests are teachers & researchers from around the globe. They have informal conversations about deep concepts and ideas.

Experience Workshop‘s director, Dr. Kristóf Fenyvesi was joining “Zone for Potential Construction” podcast via Skype from Finland, where he lives. Dr. Chris Brownell, a professor of mathematics education from Fresno Pacific University is talking with Kristóf about his work as a researcher of STEAM learning at University of Jyväskylä, Finland. They are also talking about Kristóf’s involvement in the Experience Workshop and Bridges Organization, and how art and math are connected in the mind.

Dr. Chris Brownell and Kristóf Fenyvesi have met in 2016 May, when Chris also visited Kristóf’s STEAM course for Finnish pre-service primary school teachers. The photograph below has been taken at the class, when Chris has made a comment on the students’ project:

Go and listen the podcast here:

Check-out other interesting conversations with Dr. Chris Brownell from the growing ZPC-collection here:

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