COre-RElief Training Curriculum


In our Erasmus+ COre-RElief project, two trainings were provided in Pécs, Hungary, organised by the association Nevelők Háza during spring 2023. The trainings were low-treshold courses for professionals working with people with changed abilities. The curriculum developed on the basis of the training is now available to all. You can download it free by clicking on the picture here:


The main chapters of the curriculum deal with approaches of different point of views, inculding the system and the induvidual levels as well.

The first chapter deals with Flexicurity. The term refers to the combination of labour market flexibility in a dynamic economy and security for workers. Flexicurity (a portmanteau of “flexibility” and “security”) is a welfare state model with a proactive labour market policy.



The chapter Labour Market Rehabilitation presents which features make the labour market integration of jobseekers with changed abilities successful.



Patient education is a relatively new science within the field of health care. In the past it consisted mainly of the transfer of knowledge and mostly biomedically based advice. Research has shown this not to be effective and sometimes counterproductive. As health care has moved away from applying a traditional paternalistic approach of ‘doctor knows best’ to a patient-centred care approach, patient education must be tailored to meet persons’ individual needs. The third chapter deals with Health Care and Healthy Lifestyles.



During art creation, we connect with others more easily, a common space, theme, and experience is created, through which we become more sensitive to other people’s problems, life situations. The final chapter gives practical ideas on how art therapy can inspire people with changed abilities to get involved in collaborative and shared activities and encourage them to share their individual experiences.


We hope that the publication will be a treasure for all those who are involved in the subject.

Free download of the COre-RElief Training Curriculum here

Erasmus+ CORE RElief

(COmplex Reintegration of Employees with changed working abilities to REal LiFe)



TENENET o.z. – Slovakia (coordinator)
Asociacija “Iniciatyvu tinklas” – Lithuania
Experience Workshop ay – Finland
Nevelok Haza Egyesulet – Hungary
Volkshochschule Bildungsinstitut – Belgium
Asociación para el Estudio y Promoción del Bienestar Social – Spain


See all other CORE-Relief posts here.

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