Farewell to Our Friend and Colleague, Slavik Jablan

Slavik V. Jablan, 1952-2015. (Fotó: Csizmadia Sándor)

Slavik V. Jablan, 1952-2015. (Photo: Sándor Csizmadia)

On February 26, 2015 morning, after long battling with his serious illness, great friend and colleague Slavik Jablan passed away. He was a mathematician, internationally renowned specialist of visual mathematics, knot theory, symmetry studies and a number of other interdisciplinary fields. As one of the founders of Experience Workshop Math-Art Movement, Slavik has done a lot for the popularization of experience based mathematics education and learning mathematics through arts.

Slavik Jablan Vörös László számítógépes grafikáit nézi 2010-ben rendezett Do You like Paleolithic Op-Art című kiállításának megnyitóján.

Slavik Jablan studies László Vörös’s computer graphics 


Several joint publications, like books, art albums, articles, education materials, exhibits and a lot more plans, which now remain unrealized, show the central role of Slavik in the Experience Workshop Math-Art Movement. Slavik taught to many thousands of children, youth and adults to recognize and discover the miracle of patterns in our world, to understand the mathematics behind the structures, and that the thinking and creating is primarily mean to play, and miracles can be created not only by the nature or by genius artists. We all are able to create miracles by patient attention towards our environment and towards each other.

Slavik Jablan 2010-ben rendezett Do You like Paleolithic Op-Art című kiállításának megnyitóján (Kurátorok: Fenyvesi Kristóf és Hegyi Csaba).

Slavik Jablan Do You Like Paleolithic Op-Art exhibit in 2010 (Curators: Kristóf Fenyvesi és Csaba Hegyi).

Dear Slavik, we continue building the labyrinth of mathematics and arts and pass along the knowledge of labyrinth-building for future generations, as we have learnt it from you!

Slavik Jablan 2010-ben rendezett Do You like Paleolithic Op-Art című kiállításának megnyitóján (Kurátorok: Fenyvesi Kristóf és Hegyi Csaba).

Slavik Jablan 2010-ben rendezett Do You like Paleolithic Op-Art című kiállításának megnyitóján (Kurátorok: Fenyvesi Kristóf és Hegyi Csaba).

Slavik Jablannal a belgrádi Duna parton 2014 nyarán a Tempus Nyári Egyetem Családi Napján, amelyen az ÉlményMűhely is részt vett. Balról jobbra: Fenyvesi Kristóf, Dirk Huylebrouck, Slavik Jablan, Ljiljana Radovic, Jadranka Jablan, Rinus Roelofs.

On the Danube bank with Slavik Jablan in the summer of 2014. Left to right: Kristóf Fenyvesi, Dirk Huylebrouck, Slavik Jablan, Ljiljana Radovic, Jadranka Jablan, Rinus Roelofs.


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5 thoughts on “Farewell to Our Friend and Colleague, Slavik Jablan

  • My first impression of Slavik was that he had the largest smile I’d ever seen on a person. His humanity and genius were both evident in every interaction I ever had with him. I agree with Scott — my life is richer to have known him.

    My condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues.

  • I was fortunate to meet Slavik for the first time last year and to talk with him at length in his home about art, mathematics, life.. What a great man! So talented in many things, courageous, friendly, humble and ever questioning. The world will not be the same without him. My deepest condolences to his dear wife and family, and all his friends and colleagues.

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