Logifaces Erasmus+ multiplier event

The Multiplier event of the Erasmus+ project "Logifaces methodology" took place at the University of Lapland on March 28. Kristóf Fenyvesi, STEAM director of Experience Workshop, presented the means and results of art-based research in STEAM education. See the program here.

Logifaces is a geometric skill development game created by Hungarian architect and designer Daniel Lakos. The original set is made up of 16 truncated prism blocks, which consist of 11 different types of prisms, each identifiable by the height of their three vertices.

The rule of the game is to build a continuous surface using up all blocks without leaving any gaps or breaks between them. The most common solution is a big triangle, but there are practically endless variations of the game. The tool offers a nearly infinite logical complexity, complicated mathematical and geometrical problems.

After the presentation also a symposium talk was offered where participants could learn more details about the informal methods of Logifaces methodology which can be effectively applied in the context of formal learning.

In the evening there was an activity-based workshop on offer, especially for teachers who are interested in multidisciplinary perspectives in research.

Also students from two different schools had the opportunity to gain their first experience with Logifaces. See the pictures of the workshop in the Schildt High School in Jyväskylä.

Below see photos taken of students and teachers of the Áron Szilády High School from Hungary, experimenting with Logifaces in Crazy Town, Experience Workshop's workshop space. 

“Analogue game for digital minds – Logifaces methodology”

Project coordinator: Planbureau Kft, Budapest, Hungary

Akademisches Gymnasium, Wien, Austria
Experience Workshop ay
, Jyväskylä, Finland
Universität Linz, Austria
Lauder Javne Zsidó Közösségi Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Középiskola és Zenei Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola, Hungary
Osnovna i srednja skola sa domom ucenika Petro Kuzmjak, Serbia

Erasmus+ 2019-1-HU01-KA201-061272, 2019-2022

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