Experience Workshop Global STEAM Network

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About us

Experience Workshop Global STEAM Network
Full STEAM Ahead!

Experience Workshop is a Finnish expert company of innovative education. With us anybody can learn mathematics through the arts, and make art with mathematics. Our aim is to involve children, parents and teachers into a vibrant and creative dialogue between the mathematical and artistic way of looking at the world. Play, interact, cooperate, discover, and experience!

Our Team

"One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions." Oliver Wendell Holmes
Kristóf Fenyvesi
Kristóf Fenyvesi
Nóra Somlyódy
Nóra Somlyódy
Ildikó Szabó
Ildikó Szabó
Élményműhely / Experience Workshop Hungary
Eszter Kovács
Eszter Kovács
Erasmus+ coordinator
Matias Kaukolinna
Matias Kaukolinna
Chris Brownell
Chris Brownell
Experience Workshop USA
Andrea Capozzucca
Andrea Capozzucca
Experience Workshop Italy

Contact us

STEAM toolkits

Our STEAM educational toolkits help you fulfil the Finnish core curriculum's goal of multidisciplinary learning and phenomenon-based teaching

preschool box

for a group of 20-30
  • LUX STEAM small box
  • 4D Frame soft blocks
  • Itsphun preschool Kit
  • 4D Frame maths & science set
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primary school box

for a group of 10-20
  • 4DFrame Mechatronics robots
  • 4DFrame Creativity Set
  • Poly-Universe Set
  • ITSPHUN Classroom Kit
  • Lux STEAM Accelerator
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secondary school box

for a group of 20-30
  • 4DFrame Creativity Set
  • 4DFrame Mechatronics robots
  • Poly-Universe Set
  • Mondrian Blocks
  • Smart Egg
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Community Builder Set

for a group of 10-20
  • Giant Geodesic Dome Set
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