The visitors of Experience Workshop’s first event in Finland could meet personally with celebrities of 18th century and tools of experience-centered mathematics education of the future at the same time.
Helsinki‘s historical fortress-island Suomenlinna was the venue on 14 June, 2015 Experience Workshop’s Kinder Wunderkammer program in the framework of the Lumiéres Festival. The 18th century astronomers Johan Lexell and Maximilianus Hell were hosted the audience in the historical atmosphere and offered various math-art game from Experience Workshop’s rich collection.
László Lukovics‘s Jomili, János Saxon‘s Polyuniverse, Robert Fathauer‘s fantastic tessellations, George Hart‘s spectacular paper sculpture, Experience Workshop‘s giant tile set based on Paul Gailiunas‘s original plans were very popular among the participants.
Those who are not afraid of darkness, could try the camera obscura, which our partners have installed on the venue, following Maximilan Hell‘s original plans, which he made for the Eger observatory more than 200 years ago. See the technical description of our camera obscura here.
In Lexell‘s role, the audience could meet with Johan Stén physicist and in Hell Miksa‘s role Kristóf Fenyvesi, researcher of contemporary culture at University of Jyväskylä. Osmo Pekonen, internationally renowned Finnish mathematician, editor of Mathematical Intelligencer was also working together with us.
After all these programs, children could play and listen 18th century music, under the dedicated leadership of György Vashegyi’s Orfeo Orchestra.
More photos on Expeirence Workshop‘s Facebook-page: HERE!
Experience Workshop is grateful
To Marja Rumpunen, leading curator and initiator of Lumiéres Festival, and to all of those, who visited us.