Focus on positive reinforcement

Kispesti Deák Ferenc School’s second visit to Jyväskylä’s Norssi school. Goal: to learn about Finnish education

Students of the Kispesti High School from Hungary and Taurage Versme High School from Lithuania – in front of the oldest building of Jyväskylä.


12 students and 8 teachers from the Kispesti Deák Ferenc school (Budapest / Hungary) came to realize their Erasmus+ group mobility in Jyväskylä, coordinated by Experience Workshop. Their host school was Norssi, the training school of the University of Jyväskylä. Kispesti has already paid a visit last autumn to Finland, see their first story here.

They were joined by four students from the Lithuanian Taurage Versme gymnasium.


Norssi / Normaalikoulu


The week started with the introduction by English teacher Pirjo Pollari, who gave an insight into the Finnish school system and into the school life at Norssi. Mentor students have shown visiting students around the building.



A visit to another school

Thanks to Anu Raatikainen maths teacher at the lower secondary school Viitaniemi, the group had the possibility to visit a couple of classes in Anu’s school, too. Viitaniemi School has English-speaking classes as well.


AI workshop at Norssi

Kati Clements and Antti Ruonala (Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä) prepared an AI-related workshop in the class of Inka Weijo at Norssi, where everyone could participate. Participants formed small groups, received cards with basic information about a person to be created through AI-applications.



Teacher training in Finnish education


In the meantime, STEAM researcher and Experience Workshop founder Kristof Fenyvesi trained teachers at Crazy Town in Finnish education. Participants came from a variety of schools from Hungary and Germany.




Nature & city explorations

Ecologist Attila Krall was our guide to the excursion on one of the many nature trails surrounding the city. Attila introduced us to the bird life of Central-Finland. Of course, the excursion included grilling the Finnish “makkara” and visiting the sauna.




At Aalto2 museum centre – combining the Alvar Aalto Museum and the Museum of Central Finland.


Walks in the city with Orsolya Tuba:



Impressions by course participant Zsolt Haraszti:



Feedback by teachers



In such an environment, students not only develop their knowledge but also acquire skills that are essential in every aspect of life.


It was very interesting to see how the friendly, relaxed and reserved personality of the Finnish people is reflected in education methods.

I learned that in this system, there is a significant emphasis on positive reinforcement and highlighting strengths during evaluations.


I try to adapt my lessons a little bit with my knowledge of Finnish education. I try to give my students more freedom and tasks to choose. Maybe that can increase their motivation.

Feedback by students



The group activities helped a lot in making new friends.


I hane learnt that people in different countries and cultures think differently, but that is not always a bad thing. I have also learnt different ways of learning.


I have learnt to be more upfront with people and not to be affraid to ask.


My English has improved because of the many conversations and I’ve gained a lot of experience.




Photo credits: Nora Somlyody, Kristof Fenyvesi, Orsolya Tuba and participating teachers and students


The student group mobility, the teacher trainings and the job shadowing mobilities were realized in the frameworks of the Erasmus+ KA122 programme.




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