Experience Workshop is glad to announce that the Erasmus+ STEAM in Motion project has been launched. The goal of the project is to create new STEAM teaching and learning material in which body movement is the innovative and inclusive element in teaching mathematics. The project is coordinated by Experience Workshop in Finland.
Main coordinator: Olde Vechte Foundation (Netherlands). Project number: 2020-1-NL01-KA201-064764
Duration: September 2020 – August 2023
Experience Workshop (Finland)
FUN Mathematics (Bulgaria)
IC Codogno (Italy)
SciSco (Greece)
Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 20 Galati (Romania)
Stichting Hogeschool Utrecht (Netherlands)
Roes Cooperativa KOIN.S.EP. (Greece)
Website: https://oldevechte.com/international-projects/partnership