Erasmus+ Mathina 2018-2021

MATHINA – innovative digital mathematics for educators, young learners, and parents to connect non-formal and formal learning

Mathina is a two-year collaboration Erasmus+ project between five European organizations, to promote mathematical thinking by developing, implementing, and disseminating open educational tools adequate to the digital age.

The participants on this project are:

Atractor (Portugal), 
Bragi Vizualne Komunikacije (Slovenia), 
Curvilinea Società Cooperativa (Italy), 
Experience Workshop (Finland), and 
IMAGINARY (Germany).

The project is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission.

The main MATHINA OBJECTIVE is to CONNECT NON-FORMAL AND FORMAL LEARNING of mathematics through innovative digital environment, encompassing quality non-formal educational materials on 4 topics: spatial visualisation, logic, cryptography and polyhedra/symmetry. Studies reaffirm that non-formal mathematics provide basis for learners to build more sophisticated math knowledge by experimenting the plurality of math situations, which make the links between mathematics of everyday life and those developed at school explicit. MATHINA learning process is participatory & experience-based, stimulates OPEN EDUCATION AND INNOVATIVE PRACTICES IN A DIGITAL ERA and PROMOTES THE ACQUISITION OF SKILLS AND COMPETENCES of educators and young learners. 

Mathina will produce four outputs:

  • A booklet on the Innovative Mathina Program, describing the fundamentals of the project.
  • A repository for educators.
  • A repository for young learners.
  • A handbook for educators.

More information on the project page of the Erasmus+ portal.

Project Reference: 2018-1-DE03-KA201-047397



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Feedback on MATHINA

  Feedback from school children in Helsinki participating in the MATHINA focus groups Summed up by Kerry Osborne who coordinated...

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MATHINA presentations on youtube

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May 20th: Multiplier event of the Erasmus+ project MATHINA

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Welcome to Mathina’s world of math-inspired stories and games!

Mathina is an Erasmus+ project, launched by German, Finnish, Italian, Portuguese, and Slovenian  organizations in 2018 for the playful and...

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