Space Week 2019 at the Finnish Science Centre Heureka

Visit Experience Workshop`s Space Workshop between 4-15 February 2019 at Heureka!

Our activities are:

Robot football

robots play football. A huge geodesic dome serves as their arena (the tools are 4D Frame Mechatronics robots and a Super 4D Frame dome). Participants will be able to play a football match with each other.

Obstacle course

a small obstacle course is built for the robots, where you can practice robot movement and take part in a speed competition. Participants can also build their own obstacles. 

Free Construction

By using a variety of tools, participants can build their own space-based creations. They can build their own 4D Frame Mechatronics robot to play football and test the track. The football arena can also be developed freely (the tools used here are: small 4D Frame set, 4D Frame Mechatronics, 4D Frame soft blocks, Lux Blox, Itsphun and Carawonga textile mosaics).

For all other space activities see Heureka`s webpage (in Finnish):

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