Springer’s Nexus Network Journal is pleased to announce a Call for Papers
Analytical Design in Architecture: New Developments
Guest Editors: Vilmos Katona and Kristóf Fenyvesi
Architecture could be considered as arising from the interaction between aesthetics and function. In other words, creativity in architecture involves both arts and precise planning, and is accordingly inspired by both nature’s complexity and the human mind’s capacity for non-restrictive abstraction.
To bring these two halves together, architectural design could be understood as an organically evolving context of information patterns. Moreover, novel pattern languages could be developed by integrating syntax analyses, design algorithms, fractal theories, gamification, STEAM (the combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics in education), and other miscellaneous computational and mathematical approaches.
This special issue aims to mobilize the synergies between multiple types of analytical knowledge for developing new platforms of intuitive planning and providing objective feedback for designers on various design methods. Innovative educational approaches that promote the active exploration of the connection between analytical and aesthetical aspects of architecture (e.g., through digital modeling and fabrication, immersive technologies, or hands-on experiences) are also welcome in this issue.
This Call for Papers can be downloaded here: NNJ_Call for Papers_Analytical_Design.
Deadline for submissions for review: 31 January 2023
Topics: This special issue is seeking original research papers showcasing analytical processes in today’s architecture and urbanism (mathematization, planning configurations, syntax, parametric planning, design algorithms), and their relevant educational manifestations (3D modelling and printing, structural frameworks, construction games, etc.). This special issue is not concerned with style, manifestoes or associated agendas, yet it is open to suggestions for solving topical issues of the globalized world by means of innovation in the joined field of architecture and mathematics.
Guidelines for manuscript preparation can be found on the NNJ website: https://www.nexusjournal.com/for-authors/submission-guidelines.html
Submission does not guarantee publication; all submissions will be peer‐reviewed before being considered for publication. Reviews of appropriate books and exhibits are also welcome.
CFP Announcement: 30 June 2022
Deadline for submissions for peer review: 31 January 2023
Notification of reviewer comments: February-March 2023
Deadline for submission of final revised manuscript: May 2023
Submissions should be made via the NNJ Editorial Manager platform (https://www.editorialmanager.com/nenj/default.aspx). In the ‘Enter Comments’ box as part of the submission process, authors should note that the paper is for the special issue on “Analytical Design”.
Prospective authors may also email the Guest Editors of this Special Issue directly to notify of their intention to submit: Vilmos Katona (katwilat@gmail.com) and Kristóf Fenyvesi (fenyvesi.kristof@gmail.com).