POSTPONED! CADGME – Digital Tools in Mathematics Education conference in Jerusalem

Announcement (March 19, 2020)

The CADGME 2020 Program Committee  and the Organizing Committee monitored closely the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic that affects many countries, almost all of the world.

In such a situation, it has been decided to postpone the CADGME 2020 conference by one year and to have a CADGME 2020-21 conference June 20-24, 2021. Same venue in Jerusalem, of course.

The keynote speakers have accepted to be the keynote speakers at CADGME 2020-21.

We keep the received submissions of WG, WS and talks. The EasyChair site of the conference will remain alive. Accepted abstracts remain accepted, but if you wish to modify your abstract, you can do it. 

New submissions will be possible. Details, and new deadlines will be published here, and a new 1st announcement sent by email and other media:

We plan to work on the special issues of the journals in 2020 even if the conference is postponed. Details will be published here in the next future.

We pray for a quick end of the COVID-19 pandemic, and for a quick recovering of people all over the world who suffer from the virus.

We look forward to see you next year in Jerusalem.


The 8th International Conference on Digital Tools in Mathematics Education (Computer Algebra and Dynamical Geometry in Math. Education) CADGME takes place between 21-25 June 2020 at the Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT), Israel.

The conference is an opportunity for interested academics from around the globe to present research and developments, exchange ideas and nurture collaboration on Computer Algebra Systems, Dynamical Geometry Systems, and other digital tools.

STEAM Education will be a central topic of the conference.

You can submit your proposal until the 9th of March.

Thierry (Noah) Dana Picard, JCT, IL,
Sara Hershkovitz, CET, IL

Program Committee:
Miriam Amit, Ben Gurion University, IL
Yaniv Bitton, Center for Educational Technology, IL
Kristof Fenyvesi, University of Jyväskylä, SU
Zsolt Lavicza, Johannes Kepler University, AT (Founder)
Ilias Kotsireas, Wilfrid Laurier University, CA
Csaba Sárvári, Pécs University, HU (Founder)
Yaacov Koletker, JCT, IL


email: cadgme 2020 (at)

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