STEAM Erasmus plus event for adult education

The STEAM Erasmus plus project’s multiplier event for adult education

Intergenerational Learning for Adult Learners through STEAM: From the point of Hofstede’s 6D Model


by dr. Kristof Fenyvesi

When: 17.03.2023., 12.30-14.30

Where: Jyväskylä University, Agora Building, B 112.1. Address: Mattilanniemi 2. 40100 Jyväskylä

Experience Workshop’s STEAM Plus Erasmus+ project’s multiplier event offered insight for adults into collaborative problem-solving in a virtual environment. In today’s world, the importance of collaboration and problem-solving cannot be overstated. We are facing complex problems that require a multidisciplinary approach, and this is where the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) approach comes in. STEAM education is a way to integrate these fields and foster creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration skills in students. The STEAM Plus Erasmus+ project aims to promote STEAM education and provide participants in adult education with the necessary tools and skills to implement it effectively.


At the multiplier event, we had the opportunity to experience this approach firsthand. The event was conducted in a virtual STEAM environment and participants with different backgrounds came together to solve a problem collaboratively. The problem was related to renewable energy, and we were divided into teams to work on it. The virtual environment provided an immersive experience. We used a variety of tools to brainstorm ideas and come up with a solution. The experience was engaging, and everyone was actively participating and contributing to the discussion.

The event was a great example of how virtual environments can be used to create engaging and interactive learning experiences. In conclusion, the STEAM Plus Erasmus+ project’s multiplier event demonstrated the effectiveness of the collaborative problem-solving approach in a virtual environment. We believe that this approach has immense potential and can be used to create innovative learning experiences that prepare students of adult education for the challenges of the future.



Erasmus+ 2020-1-TR01-KA227-ADU-098071


Erzurum Technical University, Turkey


University of Linz, Austria
Mecidiye Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey
Erbisad, Turkey
Experience Workshop ay, Finland





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