The next best practice visit took us to Vilnius, Lithuania, between 17-19th of January, 2022.
Pictures and text: Kerry Osborne
Visit to the good practice organization “Me esame”, address: Pramonės g. 141, Vilnius. Link:
Currently, expert craft practitioners hand on handicraft traditions to people with physical and/or emotional challenges, and one student hands on a thank you for our visit.
Meeting with the good practice organization “Pirmas blynas”, address: Savičiaus g. 15, Vilnius. Link:
The proprietor of the business, originally from the Netherlands, told of his desire to create an enterprise to give people with special needs, ‘a chance to progress’ in their lives and integrate into the world of work.
Visit to the good practice shop and information center “Mes esame”, Address: Pilies g. 42-17, Vilnius
The shop sells handicrafts made in various local institutes of education for people with special needs.
Visit to the good practice organization “Šviesa“, Adr. Baltasis skg. 3A, Vilnius. Link:
The head of the educational facility explained their guiding philosophy of ‘the importance of enlightening each student to see: as a person they are superior to the institution, rather than the institution being superior to any person.’
Visit to “Naujas teatras”. Address: A. Jakšto 9, Vilnius. Link:
We were interviewed by a visually challenged reporter, and then spoke with the theatre’s founder. She explained her process in creating theatrical training opportunities for people with special needs, as there were no such opportunities previously available.
Visit to Valakupiai rehabilitation centre, address: Vaidilutės g. 69, Vilnius.. Link:
Finally, we toured the Vilnius KGB Museum. The stark contrast between: our partner programme – one where an openness and sharing of best practice and methods to develop possibilities for all, and the harsh intolerance suffered was unmitigated.
CoRe-Relief = COmplex Reintegration of Employees with changed working abilities to REal LiFe
CoRe-Relief brings together seven partners from six countries (Belgium, Hungary, Slovakia, Finland, Lithuania, Spain), and will last for a total of 26 months.
See all other CORE-Relief posts here.