STEAM-Connect 2021-2024
Co-creating Transdisciplinary STEM-to-STEAM Pedagogical Innovations through Connecting International Learning Communities from 01.11.2021 to 01.11.2024 Previous STEAM projects have proven the need for a community-based approach to STEAM education and this...
Logifaces methodology Erasmus+ – Analogue game for digital minds 2019-2022
Logifaces is a geometric skill development game created by Hungarian architect and designer Daniel Lakos. The Logifaces set is made up of 16 truncated prism blocks. The 16 pieces contain...
HALLÅ STEAM! -koulupäivä
Hankeemme yhdistää matemaattista kokeilua, ruotsin kielen oppimista, luovuutta ja mielikuvitusta. Ohjaajat kertovat ruotsiksi matematiikasta ja sen historiasta sekä järjestävät eri tiedealoja yhdistäviä STEAM työpajoja, pelejä ja leikkejä ruotsin kieltä käyttäen...
Erasmus+ CoRe-Relief 2021-2024
CoRe-Relief = COmplex Reintegration of Employees with changed working abilities to REal LiFe CoRe-Relief brings together seven partners from six countries (Belgium, Hungary, Slovakia, Finland, Lithuania, Spain), and will last...
STEAM Plus Erasmus+ 2021-2023
Intergenerational Learning for Adult Learners through STEAM: From the point of Hofstede’s 6D Model In September 2015, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for...
Poliuniversumi opettajankoulutuksessa (PUNTE) Erasmus+ (2020-2023)
Poliuniversumi opettajankoulutuksessa (PUNTE – Poly-Universe in Teacher Training Education) hankeen tavoitteena on kehittää, testata ja levittää innovatiivisia ja monialaisia pedagogisia menetelmiä opettajankoulutuksessa STEAM-alalla ja sen ulkopuolella. Poly-Universe opetusvälineen avulla rakennamme...
Erasmus+ Mathina 2018-2021
MATHINA – innovative digital mathematics for educators, young learners, and parents to connect non-formal and formal learning Mathina is a two-year collaboration Erasmus+ project between five European organizations, to promote...
Sillat (Bridges) project, 2018-2020
How to build bridges between people using the STEAM approach? How to contribute to language learning? How to support integration into society? How to learn from each other? “Sillat” is...
Poly-Universe in School Education (PUSE) Erasmus+ project (2017-2019)
The Poly-Universe tool offers a new perspective for preschool, primary and secondary school mathematics and art education by promoting: learning by doing playful education problem-solving through the combination of mathematics and...
Maths in Motion Erasmus+ 2017-2019
The goal of Maths in Motion was to create new teaching and learning material in which body movement is the innovative and inclusive element in teaching mathematics.The project was coordinated...
Kids Inspiring Kids in STEAM! Erasmus+ (2015-2017)
The goal of the Kids Inspiring Kids in STEAM (KIKS) international Erasmus+ project was to raise students’ awareness towards the multi- and transdisciplinary connections between the STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering...