On May 16th 2018,Maths in Motion Erasmus+ project’s Finnish team held workshops for students of the Scuola Secondaria Ognissanti school of Codogno (in the Milan area).
Experience Workshop was represented by mathematician Saara Lehto (LUMA Center Helsinki), Kerry Osborne, teacher (Helsinki English School) and Kristóf Fenyvesi, founder of Experience Workshop. The program includes a symposium, with contributions by Andrea Capozucca (University of Urbino) and Giada Totaro (STEAM Atelier, Rome) among others. The event is coordinated by Luisa Lenta and Giorgia Passerini.
Teaching materials and more information about the project: Maths in Motion
Partners: SciSco, FUN Mathematics, Balletskolen Holestbro, Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 20 Galati, IC Codogno, and Olde Vechte.