Hallå STEAM: Building Bridges Between Mathematics, Arts, and Humanities

We present an on-going project in Finland called Hallå STEAM which aims to build bridges between mathematics, arts, and humanities in the form of various school activities, including workshops, drama pedagogy, and guest lectures. A special feature is the use of Swedish language, the minority official language of Finland, which remains an important part of[…]

Mathematical Monuments in Finland

With “mathematical monuments” we mean either monuments for famous mathematicians and their achievements or works of art representing mathematical objects in public places. We present a panoply of such monuments in Finland for the purposes of the mathematical tourist visiting our country. As we are interested in symbolic representations of science, we take a broad[…]

Discovery, Creativity, Science and Learning Swedish in Finnish Schools through History and Imagination: the HALLÅ STEAM project

The HALLÅ STEAM project was launched in 2018 as a collaboration between science historians and education experts. The project’s goal is to support Swedish learning among elementary and lower-secondary school Finnish students. In the HALLÅ STEAM framework, we already organized several Swedish-speaking STEAM Learning Days across Finland and met with hundreds of students and dozens[…]

Mathematical-Artistic Activities for Social Inclusion and Well-being

Published in the Handbook of Mathematical Science Communication Edited by: Anna Maria Hartkopf (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) and Erin Henning (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) Mathematical science communication has, as the field of science communication in general, gained momentum over the last decades. It aims at informing the public about contemporary research, enhancing the factual and methodological knowledge, fostering a greater interest[…]

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