Több STEAM oktatási eszközt az iskolákba

Itt az ideje, hogy a STEAM segítségével fejlesszük az oktatást, különösen akkor, amikor Európa legfontosabb oktatási országának szakértői vezetik a forradalmi stábot!

Cikk az Education Nation, egy észt kormányzati kezdeményezés oldalán, amely a nemzetközi oktatási együttműködéseket támogatja. Link a teljes szöveghez: https://www.educationnation.ee/robotics-and-steam-tools-for-teachers/
In order to encourage teachers to use more different STEAM tools in their practice, researchers from Tallinn University produced a selection of teaching materials for students of teacher training. The materials help to teach environmental topics like soil, ocean, biodiversity, water and climate by using robotics, VR etc. 
Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi, a researcher of STEAM Learning & Contemporary Culture Studies of University of Jyväskylä and a partner of the project team, said that the COVID-19 crisis has shown that even if the technology and the pedagogical experience exist, proper digital learning is still available only for the few

“We believe that learning should be a positive experience. It should also promote well-being and help the members of society for a more sustainable life through better opportunities. With the ‘Digital Competence Framework for STEAM teaching’ we would like to cooperate with future and in-service teachers in appreciating their professional strengths, sharing their good practices, and reaching out to all learners with up-to-date solutions in 21st-century ways of learning,” said Dr Fenyvesi.

Read the entire article here: https://www.educationnation.ee/robotics-and-steam-tools-for-teachers/



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