2023. január 31. kedd

Sustainability through Daily Life Management in School




Course description


The course approaches with a multidisciplinary point of view a wide range of practical issues through the Finnish basic curriculum’s subject of home economics. Those wide-range issues are for example sustainability in the household and the wider economy, farming, the journey of food to the table, basic financial knowledge, practical tips and knowledge in and outside the home.

Participants will examine the adaptability of their findings to their own teaching practice, while self-reflectively mapping creative skills and competences and the directions in which they would like to develop. They become aware of how they can relate their own teaching subject and everyday teaching practice to home economics related issues, and how they can add contents and methodologies to a home-economics project or to the home-economics curriculum of their own school. All this is supported by concrete practical ideas and up-to-date scientific research.

The course will cover issues such as how teachers can increase students’ skills and competences to work with others, to self-manage, to take responsibility for their own studies.

While we actively discover these fields, we become familiar with the versatile competence sets that form the basis of Finnish education, such as thinking and learning to learn; taking care of oneself and daily life; cultural competence, interaction and expression; multiliteracy; working life competences and entrepreneurship; participation and involvement.

Basic information

⇒ Working language: English (minimum level required: B1)

⇒ Working hours: 30 hours

⇒ Venue: Jyväskylä, Finland

⇒ Price: 580 EUR

⇒ Currently available course dates (download your 6-day reference programme):

  • 22-27 January 2024

Register for a course here

Who is this training for?

Objectives and learning outcomes of the course

About the location


Reference programme of the 6-day training

Certification awarded

Important to know



Who is this training for?

The training is recommended for all pre-service and in-service educators, school principals, education professionals and teachers who want to learn about the multifunctional potential hidden in the subject of daily life management and home economics. The goal of the course is not simply sharing information, but supporting participants in adapting the course content for their own educational system, curricula and everyday practices.

Objectives and learning outcomes of the course

The goal of the course is not simply sharing information, but supporting participants in adapting the course content for their own educational system, curricula and everyday practices.

Participants will:

  • become aware of the most relevant 21st century skills by developing a deep understanding of the goals, educational and methodological strategies which seem to be the most relevant in the development of students in the 21st century.
  • be able to identify relevant elements of the above-mentioned principles, strategies, approaches (see: course description)  and tools in relation to their own teaching practice.
  • be able to identify those tools and methods that concern practical education in home economics and that help students towards learner autonomy
  • find their own ways to adapt and implement the appropriate approaches and tools in their own classroom.
  • become aware of how they can relate their own teaching subject and practice to the topics of home economics, and how they can add contents and methodologies to a home-economics project or to the home-economics curriculum of their own school.
  • be able to create their own portfolio and/or lesson plans using a variety of suggested approaches and tools.
  • become more self-confident in their role as a teacher and in building trust-based relationships with their students and colleagues.
  • improve communication skills and soft skills in English and develop language for classroom use and planning.
  • develop their professional skills through interacting with colleagues of other nationalities, exchanging ideas, materials and experiences.


About the location

The capital of Central Finland, Jväskylä is the cradle of teacher education, an important pillar of Finland’s prestigious education system. The first teacher training institute in the country was established here at the end of the 19th century, and the University of Jyväskylä has since become a stronghold of Finnish teacher training and methodological education.



Supervisor of the course is Ph.D. Kristóf Fenyvesi, senior researcher of University of Jyäskylä. The course is delivered in close cooperation with his invited colleagues. Dr. Fenyvesi’s research interests are overarching the main highlights of the Finnish educational system, such as STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) education, creativity & innovation in learning, trans- and multidisciplinary integration in learning, problem-solving, playfulness, phenomenon-based, experience-oriented, and cooperative approaches in education, hands-on approaches and digital modelling, embodied learning, etc. The training draws on all these approaches and, keeping in mind the principle of learning by doing, always aims to put participants in active situations so that they themselves can learn through experience. The course is a fine result of up-to-date scientific research and evidence-based practice. As part of the training we will give you a comprehensive insight into the Finnish Core Curricula and educational practices.

Reference programme of the 6-day training (30 working hours)

    Day 1
  • Registration
  • Fundamentals: principles, structure, framework of the course
  • Tools for self-reflection on learning and professional development
  • Networking activities
    Day 2
  • Home Economics teaching in general – Teaching methods and pedagogical concepts for teaching Home Economics.
  • Sustainability in finnish schools: home economics lessons and beyond – Education for sustainability: tools and principles in Finnish Schools
  • Daily life management with health and safety – Why are life management skills so important?  How is it related to health, safety and sustainability? Ways to cultivate a sense of sharing responsibilities in daily duties and the importance of cooperation at home.
    Day 3
  • Be a responsible consumer – How to become a responsible consumer is taught in Home Economics? How does this relate to sustainable consumption and how the concept of consumption influences our consumption behaviour?
  • Cultural and educational city tour Jyväskylä
    Day 4
  • Dietary choices and nutrition – Why are dietary choices and nutrition taught in Home Economics? How is it related to sustainability
  • Sustainable lifestyle – The meaning and purpose of sustainable lifestyle/circular economy as is taught in Home Economics. How does the teacher design his/her class and what includes this teaching theme?
    Day 5
  • Equipment, activities and learning material in Home Economics – Equipment in the classroom: the physical organization of the classroom environment using the spaces and tools and related safety measures. How teachers plan their lessons, what kind of teaching methods do they use?
  • Building up your own portfolio and/or lesson plan
    Day 6
  • Outdoor learning related to the course programme
  • Final reflection on knowledge and skills acquired, and about possible dissemination strategies
  • Evaluation of learning experiences

While keeping in mind the described learning outcomes, some details of the reference programme may change. The course is always adapted to the actual needs and requests of the participants.


Certification awarded

At the end of the course, each participant will be awarded a certificate of attendance, together – if requested – with the Europass Mobility Certificate. Certificates are issued by Experience Workshop on the condition of at least 80% attendance.


Important to know

Minimum number of participants: The course will be realized if at least 10 people register at least 4 weeks before the first training day.

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