Cikkeket várunk: Journal of Mathematics and the Arts – Call for Papers & JMA 10th Anniversary Collection

A Journal of Mathematics and the Arts nemzetközi, referált folyóirat több témában is várja az angol nyelvű cikkeket. A folyóirat felhívását az alábbiakban angol nyelven közöljük:

Call for Papers – Special Issue on Education

Journal of Mathematics and the Arts’ guest editors, Paul Gailiunas & Kristóf Fenyvesi are inviting your submission into a special issue on Education. The special issue is intended to focus on new and groundbreaking research in the areas of scholarly inter- or transdisciplinary work in mathematics and the arts education, both formal and informal. More specifically, this special issue will concentrate on the application of the arts in mathematics education and/or mathematics in the arts education.

Deadline: 1 October 2017

Call for Papers: HERE

Call for Papers – Special Issue Honoring the Memory of Reza Sarhangi

Carol Bier, as the Guest Editor of this special issue of the Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, I encourage you to contribute your new and groundbreaking research devoted to the arts and mathematics to honor the memory of the Founding Director of the Bridges Conference, Reza Sarhangi. This special issue will focus on his research interests at historical intersections of the arts and mathematics.

Deadline: 1 November 2017

Call for Papers: HERE

JMA The 10th Anniversary Collection

Welcome to this generous selection of editors’ choices of articles appearing in the first ten volumes of Journal of Mathematics and the Arts. The journal took shape following a meeting arranged by the late Reza Sarhangi at the 2005 Bridges Banff Conference, where Kate Watt from Taylor & Francis met with a group of interested conference participants. Following a group proposal led by Gary Greenfield, the journal launched in 2007 with Gary as editor for the first five volumes. Craig S Kaplan then took over as editor in 2012, until he handed the reins to current editor Mara Alagic at the beginning of 2017.

This collection of 14 articles represents a range of topics that reinforce the journal’s principal aims and scope: the use of mathematics in the creation of works of art; the understanding of art arising from mathematical endeavours; the mathematical implications of artistic works; and interdisciplinary mathematics and arts education. Many of the articles cover more than one topic, so it is challenging to organize and categorize them strictly along those lines. While there is much that could be written about why these selections are some of the editors’ favourites, in order not to impede the reader we will limit ourselves to some brief comments while clustering articles based on some intrinsic similarities.

The Journal of Mathematics and the Arts celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2017! To mark this special occasion, Taylor & Francis would like to offer FREE access to a selection of articles chosen by the Editor.

The JMA 10th Anniversary Collection can be accessed: HERE

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