A Dél-Afrikai Tudomány és Technológiafejlesztési ügynökség (SAASTA) interjúja Fenyvesi Kristóffal a 2021 júliusi STEMI Olympiads and Competitions Community of Practice Konferencia keynote előadása előtt (angolul).
SAASTA: What is the purpose of STEAM research and the impact when it comes to STEMI?
KF: STEAM means the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics in everyday learning. At the Finnish Institute for Educational Research at the University of Jyväskylä we are working on enhancing teachers’ and other professionals’ cooperation to advance children’s and young people’s 21st Century Skills. Involving the students and their parents by building a strong and happy community is as important as developing the physical and mental environments, technologies, and teaching and learning methodologies.
Read the entire interview here.
The STEMI Olympiads and Competitions CoP biennial conference prides itself on bringing together diverse stakeholders and experts from the STEMI community to share expertise, focus on collaborations and stimulate conversations that promote the advancement of STEMI Olympiads and Competitions.
This year the conference was themed “Strengthening the impact of Olympiads and Competitions through collaborations, partnerships, and cooperative opportunities” and was held virtually from Tuesday, 20 July to Thursday, 22 July 2021.
Dr Kristof Fenyvesi, a Researcher in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) and founder of Global STEAM network has delivered the keynote address on 20 July at the opening of the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Innovation (STEMI) Olympiads and Competitions Community of Practice (CoP) biennial conference.