Dr. Kristóf Fenyvesi, founder of Experience Workshop International STEAM Movement, brings three unique STEAM activities to the Athens Re-Science festival on the 6th of April 2019.
The Warka Tower at ASF2019 | Let´s get creative all together!
During this unique workshop, participants will have the opportunity to participate in a social design project. Warka Water tower is a social design by the Italian architect, Arturo Vittori. The tower was designed so as to provide assistance to Ethiopia’s population in its everyday challenges and specifically their quest for drinking water. Through this workshop, participants will be able to connect the digital modeling with a hands-on activity, thus to become sources of collaborative problem-solving group effort so as to develop creativity and to boost imagination.
Mini Championship of Garbage Collecting Robots
Experience Workshop connects areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics and provides a real boost when it comes to robotics. Participants are welcome to try Experience Workshop’s 4Dframe hands-on robotics toolkit to create any kind of constructions. Bring your Android-based mobile or tablet and get your robot controlled wireless!
Harvesting water from the air? Modeling Warka tower with STIMEY
In this unique children’s lab with the assistance of the STIMEY Digital Learning Environment and by designing and building a small scale model of the tower, participants will be able to build small scale models of the Warka Tower which through its triangulated split bamboo frame holds a mesh, which during wet conditions collects water droplets. Participation in this lab introduces to students the sense of communal activities and the employment of science for holistic societal prosperity!
With the support of the Embassy of Hungary in Greece and the Business Grove. Business Grove is a platform that aims to provide multilateral support to organizations and businesses that seek the appropriate partner in international markets. Businesses that are characterized by strong extroversion and innovative spirit. This initiative, which is supported by the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH), aims to create an accelerator of partnerships between Greek and Hungarian businesses within an international range.