The 7th Special STEAM Seminar with Leonard Sommer and Rinus Roelof

Join us for The 7th Special STEAM Seminar on ThursdayJune 24, 2021 at 4:00 PM KST(Seoul time)!

Date : Thursday, June 24th, 16:00-18:10 KST(Seoul time)

Venue: Online

The 7th edition of Special STEAM Seminar is now here. This month we are going to have two live presentations with three exciting speakers!

Using his professional background in creative consulting and innovation, the German entrepreneur Leonard Sommer started the research project CLASSROOM THINKTANK to encourage and enable dialogue and resources to be shared between creative industries and education.

Assuming the whole education system will need to make a radical transition in many countries around the world, he asked more than 100 creatives and education futurists in 35 countries, to inspire parents, teachers, principals, and ministries of education to rethink 21st-century education. Launched in August 2021 the book CLASSROOM THINKTANK brings together interesting and relevant thoughts, concepts and inspirations on a new organizational design, learning culture and role of the teacher and parents as well as new teaching methods and an alternative assessment model.

Rinus Roelof from the Netherlands will be our speaker for the second part of the session.

All 5 Platonic solids have different dihedral angles, or folding angles. When we want to make a paper model it is not important to know these angle. We don’t need this information to be able to complete the model. But, when we want to make a wooden model, all angles different from 90 degrees will give problems. As we know the only Platonic solid that can be made with folding angles of 90 degrees is the cube. Is this the only shape? Of course we can stretch the cube and keep all angles 90 degrees. But can we construct real different shapes? An a next question might be: can we make constructions which do not follow the cubic grid?

The shapes that I found might be interesting for workshops at fablabs, highschools and universities. Especially because it is ease to construct them, because of the straight angles in the designs.


Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi STEAM Director, Experience Workshop, Finland

Prof. Chris Brownell Professor of Mathematics & STEM Education, Fresno Pacific University, United States

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