Ten days of continuous fun and adventure with our STEAM tools for all ages – Experience Workshop at the Helsinki Design Week

Between September 6-16 Experience Workshop and its many visitors inhabited the huge lobby space of the Helsinki City Museum. This was the central venue of the Children’s Design Week, Helsinki Design Week’s kids’ edition. We had great fun and so had all who dropped in for some STEAM-inspiration!


While kids put their hands on LUX4D frame and ITSPHUN

…adults fell in love with Logifaces and CaraWonga:

Matias Kaukolinna, Experience Workshop’s new STEAM inspirator was always there to help build a new LUX creature, let it be a robot, a dinosaur or a spaceship.









And if a gigantic 4d block tower was built…

…in the end it also had to go down!


And that’s what our workshop looked like from the outside (in Finnish): https://kaupunkikanava.fi/taalla-on-kivasti-tekemista-kaikille-lasten-designviikko-helsingin-kaupunginmuseossa-tarjoaa-jokaiselle-jotakin/

Thank you for coming and see you again next year!



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