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Ignác Török High School from Hungary returned to Jyväskylä


18 students from the Ignác Török High School in Gödöllő (Hungary) took part in an Erasmus+ group mobility organised by Experience Workshop. The first half of the class was hosted in March 2023, and class teacher Tünde Bajczi returned now to show Finnish education to the remaining class members, too. This time, their host school was Viitaniemi lower secondary school.


Student mobility


During their stay students visited the school classes on an everyday basis. On the first day, they got orientation inputs from Anne Yliniemi, Leena Kuorikoski and Merja Sinnemäki, the mentor teachers in Viitaniemi school.





The students reported to have enjoyed woodwork and handcrafts lessons the most. They found the relax room particularly interesting. They also generally thought the school facilities being very attractive.


Job shadowing

Two Hungarian teachers joining for job shadowing were involved in professional discussions with Finnish colleagues. They liked the fact that the Finnish school system was created fort he sake of human well-being. They could see in many details, how students’ perspectives are at the heart of pedagogical thinking. The motto “less is sometimes more” was also highlighted, so they saw examples of how practical knowledge can add so much to learning motivation, even if there is less time for theory.


STEAM workshop in the museum

In connection with the current exhibition at the Art Museum Jyväskylä, participants explored the synergies between STEAM methodology and sustainability. Manu Mäkinen and Maria Fisk conducted a workshop to Hungarian and Finnish students together.






Leisure time


In the afternoons, there was also time to explore the cultural and natural treasures of Central Finland and enjoy the sauna, outdoor grilling, forest walks, the Alvar Aalto museum, a city tour etc. There was even time to cook something together. Best cooperative activity ever, and even nutritious!





Feedback by students




I liked the most when we went to a football match with the Finnish mates.


My most interesting experience was, when we went to a finnish sauna.


The most interesting thing for me was that, the Finnish school, and the lessons were so much more practical, than the schools in Hungary.


I made some new friends, which was great, because they helped me throughout the week.


I have learnt how to make international friends, how to fit in different cultures.


It was exciting to see other country’s schools and students and at the same time strange because of the really big differences between the Hungarian and Finnish teaching system.


The teaching system was less serious. You don’t have learn only the lexical material, but it was much more creative, interactive and less stressful.




Photo credits: Nóra Somlyódy, Kristóf Fenyvesi


The student mobility was realized in the frameworks of the Erasmus+ KA121 programme.




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