Math-Art Expo at Bridges 2022 with Experience Workshop

Chair: Kristóf Fenyvesi
Time: 4 August, 2022, 1:00 pm–5:30 pm
Location: National Museum of Finland

Click here and join us in the Bridges 2022 Family Day & Math-Art Expo!

What is it exactly about?

Can mathematics be playful, can it be fun? Can mathematics be intriguing, attractive, amazing and magical, even for those who did not think it was the most inspiring class at school?

We give it a try! Come and experience it yourself!

In 2022, the Bridges Conference, the world’s largest interdisciplinary conference on mathematics and art, arrives at Aalto University and The National Museum of Finland in Helsinki. We open the gates of the ivory tower of mathematics wider than ever and invite people of all ages to browse our rich collection of artistic and scientific workshops and fun programs.

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