Look at this! – Playful learning festival and book show now on-line

On the 20th of May, a discussion and a workshop related to the book Playful Learning in Early Childhood Education in Finland took place in the library of the University of Jyväskylä. The event was integrated into Jyväskylä's most popular Yläkaupungin Yö festival.

Before the discussion, the audience could test the STEAM-tools and games presented in the book.

The authors presented the main highlights of the book which was followed by the open discussion with the audience. Have you missed the event? Watch the entire recording here:

Photos: Alena Adameika, Kristof Fenyvesi, Pirkko Karvonen

Authors / Organisers:

  • Dr. Pirkko Karvonen, PhD, editor and author of the “Playful learning” book.
  • Dr. Tuulikki Ukkonen-Mikkola, Ph.D. of Education and Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Jyväskylä, the author of the “Playful learning” book.
  • Susan Hellden-Paavola, Deputy Director of the daycare centre.
  • Milla Salonen, kindergarten teacher, Master of Arts, author of the “Playful learning” book.
  • Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi, PhD, Experience Workshop ay STEAM director, the author of the “Playful learning” book.
  • Dr. Alena Adameika, PhD, Finland International Education LLC, Education and Sales Specialist.

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