This year’s “Labworms” Student Competition, organized for the twelfth time, was successfully concluded last week. The first places went to the “Chemist Spies”, the “Banana Boys”, the “Liquid Phantoms” and the “Immunists”. Main patron of the event was Dr. Kristóf Fenyvesi
“Labworms” Student Competition is an initiative of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Sciences, which addresses Hungarian primary and secondary school students in Romania. The aim of the competition is to develop students’ analytical thinking skills in the spirit of transdisciplinarity.
The final round of this year’s competition took place on 8 March 2024, during which Dr Kristóf Fenyvesi, the main patron of the event, gave an inspiring speech entitled “The Chemistry of Persistence: the secret of Katalin Karikó and the Nobel Prize”. He was joined by Zoltán Visy, founder of Redmenta, Dr Ildikó Miklóssy, Head of the Department of Bioengineering, and Professor Emeritus Dr Sándor Szép, who all addressed the young people with their motivating messages.
The competition, in the spirit of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics), challenged students to think in new and innovative ways in science education, involving digitalisation, transdisciplinary tasks, art making, creative writing. They took on the obstacles with enthusiasm and open-mindedness, proving that the boundaries between disciplines can be blurred and that rhyme and chemistry can coexist.
“For me, this is the best Hungarian science education event, full of humour, love and lots of unexpected surprises, where students and teachers enrich their knowledge of biology, chemistry, environmental science and food science in the spirit of joyful learning, and even more! Inspired by the spirit of boundless creativity, this year’s spectacular experiments were also made alive in the form of slam poetry.” (Dr. Kristóf Fenyvesi)
First places in four different categories went to Labworms called also “Chemical Spies”, “Banana Boys”, “Liquid Phantoms”, and “Immunists”.
The full list of the winners and other interesting details about the competition can be found on the Sapientia University website here and by clicking on the photo above.
Congratulations to the winners!