In Memoriam Osmo Pekonen (1960-2022)

Professor Osmo Pekonen represented the Finnish Experience Workshop STEAM Network in significant academic, intellectual, cultural, and educational projects in Finland and worldwide. These projects included a comprehensive collection of flourishing research activities in the history of science and mathematics, resulting in numerous books, articles, and other media, including films, literary contributions, and various science popularization activities. He was a very active science journalist at the same time, curator, and participant in artistic, musical, and theatrical events, mainly focusing on the 18th century. Osmo was an influential networker combining science and art in his activities. Based on his multidimensional literacy in several fields, he was committed to inspiring everybody around him, including academics, artists, students, and children, for scientific, artistic, and cultural activities.

More about Osmo Pekonen

This video, which was made as a tribute by his friends, Experience Workshop’s STEAM Director Kristóf Fenyvesi, and media artist Zoltán Marton, contains snapshots from the HALLÅ STEAM! project, one of Prof. Pekonen’s main educational ventures in his last years. 


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