2023. január 31. kedd

Early Childhood Education




Course description


The course presents the best pedagogical practices of playful learning from Finland, in order to develop thinking skills, creativity and imagination. We will work with the participants on Finnish early childhood education and the Finnish curriculum with practical orientation and hands-on activities.

In addition to explaining the scientific foundations, we will explore the playful, artistic and multidisciplinary possibilities of developing mathematical thinking skills, creativity and imagination in early childhood education through games that can be easily tried by anyone. One of the main goals of the Finnish early childhood curriculum is to create equal conditions for the holistic growth of all children. In this holistic perspective, the early development of mathematical thinking is embedded in playful and creative, often artistic processes. Individual and collective practices that stimulate imagination, self-expression and reflection are also grounded through play.

The content of the course is inspired by the Finnish educational context, but in each case we will also explore the possibilities of applying the lessons learned to the domestic educational context. The course content is created by experts of Finnish educational research, teacher education and professional development in Finland.


Basic information


⇒ Working language: English (minimum level required: B1)

⇒ Working hours: 30 hours

⇒ Venue: Jyväskylä, Finland

⇒ Price: 580 EUR

⇒ Currently available course dates (download your 6-day reference programme):

  • 20-25 May 2024


Register for a course here



Who is this training for?

Objectives and learning outcomes of the course

About the location


Reference programme of the 6-day training

Certification awarded

Important to know







Who is this training for?


The training is recommended for teachers and educators in the field of kindergarten and primary school education.




Objectives and learning outcomes of the course

The goal of the course is not simply sharing information, but supporting participants in adapting the course content for their own educational system, curricula and everyday practices.

Participants will:

  • learn about the ways of early childhood education in Finnish educational environment and in a boarder context
  • be able to plan and create skills developing processes both, on a short-term and on a long-term basis
  • be able to plan and examine the possibilities of the practical implementation of early childhood education methodology and tools in their own teaching context
  • be able to develop children with a motivating inquiry-based and hands-on approach
  • become more self-confident in their role as a teacher or early childhood educator
  • develop their professional skills through interacting with colleagues of other nationalities, exchanging ideas, materials and experiences
  • develop their international professional network which will enhance their motivation in teaching.




About the location


The capital of Central Finland, Jväskylä is the cradle of teacher education, an important pillar of Finland’s prestigious education system. The first teacher training institute in the country was established here at the end of the 19th century, and the University of Jyväskylä has since become a stronghold of Finnish teacher training and methodological education.





The aims of the training are in line with EU efforts to focus on the development of key competences from an early age, suggesting that the earlier people acquire the individual and social practices that support learning to learn, the better their chances of future educational and professional success. The training does not aim to work through the Finnish kindergarten and primary school curriculum, but to promote the local adaptation of best practices.

Supervisor of the course is Ph.D. Kristóf Fenyvesi, senior researcher of University of Jyäskylä. The course is delivered in close cooperation with his invited colleagues. Dr. Fenyvesi’s research interests are overarching the main highlights of the Finnish educational system, such as STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) education, creativity & innovation in learning, trans- and multidisciplinary integration in learning, problem-solving, playfulness, phenomenon-based, experience-oriented, and cooperative approaches in education, hands-on approaches and digital modelling, embodied learning, etc. The training draws on all these approaches and, keeping in mind the principle of learning by doing, always aims to put participants in active situations so that they themselves can learn through experience.



Reference programme of the 6-day training


    Day 1
  • Registration
  • Fundamentals: principles, structure, framework of the course
  • Tools for self-reflection on learning and professional development
  • Networking activities
    Day 2
  • Introduction to the Finnish early childhood education system
  • Play, learning and assessment in Finnish early childhood education and care
  • Case studies
  • Tools and principles for building up your own portfolio and project plan
    Day 3
  • Group work: make an introductory presentation (who, what tools they have used in their teaching, what interesting programme they have implemented).
  • Comparison with participants’ own teaching practice. Ideas to adapt, identification of good practices
    Day 4
  • Games to improve mathematical thinking
  • Games based on patterns and symmetries
  • Building blocks for structuring thinking
    Day 5
  • Experiencing mathematical concepts through physical activity
  • Language, artistic and creative games
  • Games to develop motory skills
  • Presentation of participants lesson plans and portfolio
    Day 6
  • Outdoor learning related to the course programme
  • Final reflection on knowledge and skills acquired, and about possible dissemination strategies
  • Evaluation of learning experiences



While keeping in mind the described learning outcomes, some details of the reference programme may change. The course is always adapted to the actual needs and requests of the participants.



Certification awarded



At the end of the course, each participant will be awarded a certificate of attendance, together – if requested – with the Europass Mobility Certificate. Certificates are issued by Experience Workshop on the condition of at least 80% attendance.




Important to know


Minimum number of participants: The course will be realized if at least 10 people register at least 4 weeks before the first training day.



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