Everyday Creativity book – free download

Everyday Creativity: Boosting Creative Resources with Finnish Models of Education. Teachers’ Handbook. 

Eds. Tamás Péter Szabó, Kristóf Fenyvesi, Gomathy Soundararaj, Tea Kangasvieri. University of Jyväskylä, 2019.
129 pages.

Download the book from here.

This handbook, published in English, Dutch, Hungarian, Italian and Romanian, provides paths for teachers on all levels of education for making their schools and teaching practices more creative and learning-centered. The readers are invited to browse among and use in their own practice the manifold results of the “Everyday Creativity” Erasmus+ project. You are welcome to try our digital self-assessment tool and implement the material of the University of Jyväskylä’s blended teacher training course. Both are intended to develop the facilitation of various creativities in different learning environments and created with the participation of teachers from Finland, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, and Romania.

There are everyday and extraordinary stories, pedagogical concepts, inspiring wishes and dreams, and a great amount of openly accessible, ‘tried-and-true’ resources collected in this book. We hope that all will support the transformation of schools into inspiring environments, where all the various creativities of students and teachers are recognized, welcomed and celebrated guests every day.

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