Maths in Motion Erasmus+ training with Experience Workshop in the Netherlands

Motions in Book – Books in Motion

The Erasmus+ project Maths in Motion has already produced so many efficient materials – like an online workbook, a bibliography – and pleasurable learning modules about ways to combine mathematics and movement, that the main coordinator, Olde Vechte Foundation has published the main results in book form. Better to say, as a toolkit, which took the shape of a nice recycled box, coupled with a pen and a magnet with the laser-cut project logo and came out right before the training event took place between December 2-7, 2018.

The book will be available for free download in early 2019. It includes a methodological introduction to mathematics and body movement because all participants are convinced that “Making the learning of mathematical concepts a whole body – rather than just brain – involved experience” contributes a lot to the change of attitude towards maths learning. The book moreover includes the modules the 6 partner institutions from 6 different countries have been working on it for almost a year (SciScoFUN MathematicsBalletskolen HolestbroScoala Gimnaziala Nr. 20 GalatiIC Codogno, and Experience Workshop). Experience Workshop, together with the Italian team (IC Codogno) contributed among others the “Snowflake dance” to the publication. An exercise consisting of a workshop, during which students create 4D Frame snowflakes – and a choreography which recreates the snowflake shape through movement. See a snowflake and a moment from a choreography below:

The training event included developing new Maths in Motion modules and also raised awareness to different teaching approaches (such as commander / guided discovery / reciprocal). 

As visible in the background, some structure was brought into the ocean of ideas and tools one might use in a maths and motion class.

On December 6, the team went as far as Utrecht to show and tell people about the Maths in Motion project. Through flyers, performance, a selfie contest and a lot of words:

And last but not least, the team has a lot to thank to the Hungarian chef Susie (look for the red hat), who brought sunshine in the Dutch winter grey each and every day. 

Maths in Motion’s next event takes place at the Bridges 2019 conference in July 2019, in Linz (Austria). 

Participating from Experience Workshop’s project team in the Netherlands: Saara Lehto, mathematician (LUMA Center Helsinki), Kerry Osborne, teacher (Helsinki English School), Nóra Somlyódy, Experience Workshop’s project coordinator

Project information, including idea and materials:

Open Facebook group:

Our international partners are:

SciScoFUN MathematicsBalletskolen HolestbroScoala Gimnaziala Nr. 20 GalatiIC Codogno, and Olde Vechte.


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