Tokyo Science Agora, one of the most prestigious science popularization events in the world, is giving special recognition to the Rubik Cube’s 40th anniversary. Experience Workshop’s founder, Kristóf Fenyvesi invited his friends from all over the world to highlight various curiosities related to the Magic Cube. Our video was debuting today at Tokyo Science Agora 2020!
Watch the video here:
- András Kaszanyitzky, Hungarian musician and his mathematician friends, László Major, István Földes and Finnish biologist Katja Puutio merge Rubik’s cube with Sudoku
- Yoshiaki Araki, Japanese mathematician and tessellation artist, founder of the Japan Tessellation Design Association introduce his Escher-inspired magic cube, which invite you to play with mutant lizards
- Oskar van Deventer from the Netherlands, one of the most prolific designers of mechanical puzzles in the world, introduces his own creations giving even more twists and tricks to Rubik’s original magic cube
- Kate Jones, the Hungarian-American Queen of Puzzle World, wrote an ode to introduce famous puzzles, which inspired and fascinated the young Ernő Rubik, even before the Cube existed
- Osmo Pekonen, Finnish mathematician and science historian interviews Olli Vikstedt, Finnish speed solving champion
- Giovanna Di Rosario, the Italian electronic poetry expert and Jason Nelson, the American-Australian digital artist introduces a unique digital poem, which is interactively written in collaboration with You, as a reader on the surface of a virtual Rubik’s cube!
The video was created for the Science Agora 2020 with the generous support of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Embassy of Hungary in Tokyo. Special thanks to Dr. Norbert Palanovics, Dr. Hortenzia Hosszú, Sayuri Szabó and the organizers of Tokyo Science Agora 2020 for their support.
Science Agora 2019 flow reimagined by media artist, Maxi Zoltan Marton
We are just as glad to announce one of the first fruits of our collaboration with Maxi Zoltan Marton ( media artist. Maxi took our shaky video records from Tokyo Science Agora 2019 and elevated them into his dynamic, colorful world.
Enjoy Maxi’s flow, watch the video here: