Kids Inspiring Kids in STEAM! Erasmus+ (2015-2017)

The goal of the Kids Inspiring Kids in STEAM (KIKS) international Erasmus+ project was to raise students’ awareness towards the multi- and transdisciplinary connections between the STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics), and make learning about these fields more enjoyable. In order to achieve these goals, the KIKS project popularized the STEAM-concept by projects based on the students inspiring other students-approach and by utilizing new technologies, tools, open-access educational resources, everyday items and materials. Experience Workshop’s experts provided methodological support, learning aids and resources focusing on STEAM for the project. 

5 schools in Finland, 4 schools in Hungary, 10 schools in the UK and 9 schools in Spain were participating in the program. Each of the 28 schools were represented by minimum 1 team of minimum 4 students, facilitated by minimum 1 teacher, and there were several places, where complete school classes have joined to the KIKS-project. In Finland 115 students and 7 teachers have joined to the KIKS project.


Kids Inspiring Kids in STEAM! Erasmus+

The goal of the Kids Inspiring Kids in STEAM (KIKS)...

“Kids Inspiring Kids For STEAM” Erasmus+

The Closing Event of the Kids Inspiring Kids For STEAM...

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