These explorations with Logifaces were done in Jyväskylä’s Viitaniemi School during the schoolyear 2020/21 at Leena Kuorikoski‘s arts class with 14-15 year old students.
Get to know public sculptures in your hometown
Getting to know contemporary abstract public sculpture and town planning
- Design a unique, abstract piece of public sculpture for your hometown from Logifaces pieces.
- How would you brand your city? Is it sports, culture, education or something else? How does the sculpture reflect this brand? The sculpture is the new symbol of the area. Where would you place it? What materials would you use and why? What’s the size of your work?
From Picasso’s cubistic painting to relief, experiments with 2D/3D
- Based on Picasso’s cubistic painting, create a cubistic relief from Logifaces blocks. Your piece of work if going to be simpler than the original but in 3D.
- You can continue your work by reproducing it in another medium and digitally processing it.
- Color your piece and try to recreate the atmosphere of the original artpiece.
- Or make an outline drawing of your work and add more shades, then the piece will be in 3D again.
Check out Logifaces in our webshop
Project coordinator: Planbureau Kft, Budapest, Hungary
Akademisches Gymnasium, Wien, Austria
Experience Workshop ay, Jyväskylä, Finland
Universität Linz, Austria
Lauder Javne Zsidó Közösségi Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Középiskola és Zenei Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola, Hungary
Osnovna i srednja skola sa domom ucenika Petro Kuzmjak, Serbia
Erasmus+ 2019-1-HU01-KA201-061272, 2019-2022
See all Erasmus+ Logifaces posts here.